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NewsRevue again! Page 63

Removing the cast (Cameron Harris, Brendan and Emily Murphy, Chris Lehec and Jenny Bede) we are left with:

Week 1

Clinton's Dress Tom Johnstone
That Gordon Brown Terry Newman
1D Glasses Tom Johnstone
Dedward Adam Morley (but written with the cast)
Under Labour Martin Malcolm
To Be Posh, Tory Terry Newman
Jackatony Tom Johnstone
Kirsty Wark meets Dave Tom Johnstone
I'm Past My Prime Louise Thomas
Hague and Ffion Tom Johnstone
Prince Charles and Neddy David Salisbury
Work Til 95 Martin Malcolm
BoJo's Bikes Lee Stephenson
Diamonds Are A Girls Best Noel Christopher
Chav Miliband 2 Jenny Harris (but with help from Emily Harris)
Hague Stig gag ?
Pope and victims gag Martin Malcolm
Clearasil spot fixing gag ?
Rooney score grand gag ?
Jordan on Divorce David Salisbury
Sunbed gag Martin Malcolm

week 2...

Clinton's Dress Tom Johnstone
That Gordon Brown Terry Newman
1D Glasses Tom Johnstone
Dedward Adam Morley (but with cast)
Under Labour Martin Malcolm
To Be Posh, Tory Terry Newman
Jackatony Tom Johnstone
Kirsty Wark meets Dave Tom Johnstone
Hague and Ffion Tom Johnstone
Prince Charles and Neddy David Salisbury
Work Til 95 Martin Malcolm
BoJo's Bikes Lee Stephenson
Diamonds Are A Girls Best Noel Christopher
Chav Miliband 2 Jenny Harris (but with help from Emily Harris)
Hague Stig gag Nick Hallam
Pope and victims gag Martin Malcolm
Clearasil spot fixing gag
David Haye gag Jenny Harris (but with help from cast)
George Michael gag Martin Malcolm
TUC Strictly gag Martin Malcolm
Natascha Kampusch Martin Malcolm

The ? indicate a writer isn't stated. So it does seem a number of sketches do come from outside, however they don't seem to be dropped from later shows like other sketches, whether that's accident or design.

Quote: Griff @ September 24 2010, 9:41 PM BST

I like Newsrevue, it's a great show run by nice people and fun to write for. It just would have been slightly more gracious if when the interviewer asked this particular cast about the writers they hadn't vomited into a bucket.

well said.

Quote: Griff @ September 24 2010, 7:40 PM BST

I'm not really here. But I thought I'd share this interview I found with Newsrevue.

It does give an interesting insight into how much they value the writers' contributions.

In a nutshell (to summarise all comments relating to the writers):

"Q: Who writes the material?

A: The cast, because the stuff we get in from the writers is crap"

I would add that this is the total opposite of the attitude I've had from the Newsrevue team every time I've had any dealings with them - they've always been appreciative, supportive and welcoming, especially those who've been involved with the show long-term. But this interview certainly puts us writers in our place!

I don't know what grumpy boots you were wearing when you listened, Griff, but it didn't come across like that to me. They said some stuff they got was great and some wasn't and some was crap. That isn't insulting to writers or even surprising.

By the way, the interview was with the director and cast from the previous run, not the current one.

Also News Revue is the first stop for any new comedy writer.

Where as comedic geniuses such as Griff and Badge may write for it.

(and occaisonal chancers like my good self). They must get an endless torrent of absolute shite, especially as they don't set a limit on the number of sketches you can submit.

I know atleast 3 people who sent in a "Golden Brown Gordon Brown" sketch

Make that four... :$ least mine was a

Whistling nnocently

Griff you're worried this makes you look like a mental......

ok, here's week 3.

Please Stop DeceivingCameron Harris
Nick and Dave Part 1Cast
Big Brother ExtremeJason Smart
VogueJenny Harris
London Fashion WeekCameron Harris
The Royal FinderoutersBrendan Murphy
Welsh WhoresAlan Flitcroft
Clinton's DressTom Johnstone
That Gordon BrownTerry Newman
1D GlassesTom Johnstone
DedwardAdam Morley and his cast
Under LabourMartin Malcolm
Nick and Dave Part 2Chris Lehec
Cheryl meets CherylCameron Harris
To Be Posh, ToryTerry Newman
JackatonyTom Johnstone
Kirsty Wark meets Christine O'DonnellCameron Harris
Burger FaceCast
Sassy Gay Friend and Daily MailCameron Harris
We Stone Any WhoreEmily Murphy
You Gotta Have FaithCameron Harris
Murdoch the MovieBrendan Murphy
The Clinton's CigarBrendan Murphy
Prince Charles and NeddyDavid Salisbury
Work Til 95Martin Malcolm
Sassy Gay Friend and George MichaelCameron Harris
BoJo's BikesLee Stephenson
Dumb Skinny HoesCameron Harris, Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris
Nick and Dave Part 3Cameron Harris
Dedward 2Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris
Dedward 3Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris
Please Let The Sun Come Up On MeCameron Harris
Ricky Hatton gagCast
Commonwealth Games gagEmily Murphy
Come Die With MeCast
David Haye gagJenny Harris
George Michael gagMartin Malcolm
Natascha KampuschMartin Malcolm
F**k a Fatty gagEmily Murphy

Quote: Mikey Jackson @ September 27 2010, 4:49 PM BST

Big Brother ExtremeJason Smart
Welsh WhoresAlan Flitcroft
Clinton's DressTom Johnstone
That Gordon BrownTerry Newman
1D GlassesTom Johnstone
DedwardAdam Morley and his cast
Under LabourMartin Malcolm
Nick and Dave Part 2Chris Lehec
To Be Posh, ToryTerry Newman
JackatonyTom Johnstone
Prince Charles and NeddyDavid Salisbury
Work Til 95Martin Malcolm
BoJo's BikesLee Stephenson
George Michael gagMartin Malcolm
Natascha KampuschMartin Malcolm

When you take out the director and other cast as writers, this is all you have left (15 out of 41). So the comment that stuff they get sent in is crap, must be true (I have taken out stuff from a Jenny Harris who co wrote with the director and has the same surname - fair chance a wife or relative). No wonder you haven't got anything in Mikey.

Just heard the interview Griff shared - ta for that. Enjoyable little chat, and thee first point they stressed was that the songs often don't scan - so always worth that final check.

Also, they said a lot of stuff gets edited or tinkered with.

And ta for the list again, Mikey.

Indeed, they must get a lot of crap, compared to a lower percent of good stuff, as with any open door opp.

No wonder you haven't got anything in Mikey.

Because the director/cast changes every 6 weeks, you never really know if you'll get stuff in.
Some directors will like your material. Others won't.

I'm just fortunate that I've been mostly lucky.

Some directors cast a lot of writer/performers. Some directors are writers too.
So there are times, just like this run, where the cast will write a large chunk. And why not? They perform it, so they know what works.

I sent in a couple of sketches before this run and haven't really had time to write anything else lately.

I was hoping my very iffy Raoul Moat Marriage Guidance Centre sketch would get in, but alas, it got rejected.

Thanks for flagging that, Griff. Very interesting (cringe).

I must admit I'm a frequent culprit when it comes to what their MD said about song submissions. Not so much that the lyrics don't 'scan,' because I always *intend* them to, more that they don't always 'sit on top' of the original.

Sometimes (only sometimes), rather than risk what I felt was shoehorning lyrics to fit the exact metre of the original line, I've nicked the metre from the same line in another verse or maybe altered/omitted a stress here and there.

I thought - naively - this would be okay because I could sing the lyrics over the tune in my head and I doubted people would remember/notice the difference.

What didn't occur to me, until hearing this interview, is what a pain in the arse that would be when someone's actually trying to play the original musical accompaniment (as per the sheet music, say) in which case the differences can be huge. I've attempted to stay spot on since...

What I would say though from an audience POV, is that sometimes I've found it really difficult to catch the lyrics of spoof songs that are very up-tempo and feel sometimes a contraction of syllables might help, iykwim.

Quote: clueless @ September 27 2010, 11:53 PM BST

Sometimes (only sometimes), rather than risk what I felt was shoehorning lyrics to fit the exact metre of the original line, I've nicked the metre from the same line in another verse or maybe altered/omitted a stress here and there.

It's probably the original songwriter's fault, in having verses with different sized lines. Must be confusing for the singer.

I think you have to alter or omit stresses to make the joke, don't you? I wouldn't worry about cringing about that. People singing harmonies also do not follow the tune.

Cheers, Tim. I will stop cringing forthwith :)
(Well, cringing about that anyway...)

Ah good - I'm glad it's not just my dodgy hearing... it's a shame if you sit there thinking - well, the chorus was really funny, but I have no idea what they've just said...

I know it's an extreme example regarding speed, but I adore the 'Mom Song.' Luckily, they put the lyrics up on screen. It would have taken me numerous listens otherwise, to catch it all.

ETA: I meant the screen behind her on stage, not the You Tube subtitles.

week 4...

Please Stop DeceivingCameron Harris
Nick and Dave Part 1Cast1
Big Brother ExtremeJason Smart1
VogueJenny Harris
London Fashion WeekCameron Harris
Welsh WhoresAlan Flitcroft1
Clinton's DressTom Johnstone1
That Gordon BrownTerry Newman
DedwardAdam Morley and his cast1
Under LabourMartin Malcolm
Nick and Dave Part 2Chris Lehec1
Cheryl meets CherylCameron Harris1
Reviewing the SituationCameron Harris, Emily Murphy
Police Spending CutsMartin Malcolm1
Sky newsCameron Harris1
Burger FaceCast
Sassy Gay Friend and Daily MailCameron Harris1
We Stone Any WhoreEmily Murphy
You Gotta Have FaithCameron Harris
Murdoch the MovieBrendan Murphy1
The BeckhamsCameron Harris1
Prince Charles and NeddyDavid Salisbury1
Lady HahaCameron Harris, Jenny Harris1
BoJo's BikesLee Stephenson1
Dumb Skinny HoesCameron Harris, Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris
Nick and Dave Part 3Cameron Harris1
Dedward 2Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris1
Dedward 3Emily Murphy, Jenny Harris1
Please Let The Sun Come Up On MeCameron Harris
KoreaEmily Murphy1
Commonwealth Games gagEmily Murphy1
Porn PiratesBrendan Murphy1
Jack DeeCast1
George Michael gagMartin Malcolm1
F**k a Fatty gagEmily Murphy1

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