British Comedy Guide

What YouTube video are you watching? Page 59

I've never heard that it wasn't terrorists but an inside job before. Interesting reading, although I hope for the sake of all those who lost thier lives, not true.

I think that particular conspiracy theory is a bit mental. But who knows, I suppose!

It could be an "inside job" but I don't want to form that opinion from a 14 year old YouTube user. Who knows if we'll ever find out what really happened but for now, I'm assuming it was real. It's just a shame that those terrorists pricks didn't contemplate the stigma it would attach to an entire race. Never mind all the people that have died since because of it.

Quote: EllieJP @ September 15 2010, 4:34 PM BST

I've never heard that it wasn't terrorists but an inside job before. Interesting reading, although I hope for the sake of all those who lost thier lives, not true.

You've never heard that theory before? Wow.
Personally I think it was a bit of both. The US government knew about the coming attack and just let it happen to give them an excuse to go to war. A lot of people think it's not the first time - Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbour was coming but did nothing, to give America an excuse to join the war.

All theories of course...

Quote: Lee Henman @ September 15 2010, 4:41 PM BST

You've never heard that theory before? Wow.

I had a lot going on...

Quote: EllieJP @ September 15 2010, 4:54 PM BST

I had a lot going on...

Or a lot going in. ;)

Quote: EllieJP @ September 15 2010, 4:54 PM BST

I had a lot going on...

For nine years?!

Forgot how incredibly cool this is

Quote: David Bussell @ September 15 2010, 6:51 PM BST

For nine years?!

It's not that unbelievable.

Rapping grannies are so last Willenium! Give it up for the matriach of mashup that is... the beatboxing granny!

Quote: David Bussell @ September 16 2010, 3:44 PM BST

Raping grannies are so last Willenium!


My future granny-in-law in action

Quote: David Bussell @ September 16 2010, 3:46 PM BST

My future granny-in-law in action

We gonna get Googled for a lot of wrong reasons now.

Quote: Leevil @ September 16 2010, 4:03 PM BST

We gonna get Googled for a lot of wrong reasons now.

Laughing out loud

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