British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 227

Don't ask me, I'm no scientist!

I imagine they mean all-male families.

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 2:25 PM BST

I'm no scientist!


Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 2:25 PM BST

Don't ask me, I'm no scientist!

I imagine they mean all-male fantasies.

How broingly hetro

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 2:25 PM BST

Don't ask me, I'm no scientist!

I imagine they mean all-male families.

Yeah but, without knowing the context, we don't know what the stat means. It could be that having at least one daughter is no better than having at least one son, but both are better than being childless.

Quote: sootyj @ September 10 2010, 2:50 PM BST

How broingly hetro

Nothing more hetero than a bro.

I am all broing, all broing.

When I walk down the road I go broing broing and all the girls look at the man with the broing broining on.

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 12:14 PM BST

Apparently, families with at least one daughter, have less mental health problems.

Because the males don't even bother trying to compete with women when it comes to craziness.

This is a bad idea:

"Oh look it another one of those optical illusions.."

This is pretty cool:

Oh. My. Word.

1 Put your thumb over her face
2 Now picture the boobs as her eyes and her bellybutton as a mouth

Voila instant Jame's May.

Oh Jesus. She only looks about 14. :(

I am happy that I do not know who that person is. :)

Quote: zooo @ September 13 2010, 8:58 PM BST

Oh Jesus. She only looks about 14. :(

That's what I thought too. They were either 17 or 19.

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