British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 226

Not exactly 'read' but I saw a programme on TV a couple of nights ago about a couple of blonde Swedish twins who went a bit bonkers in the traffic on the motorway with one of them murdering a good samaritan after being released from hospital.

Timeline and video of events below...

FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2008

2am - Eriksson, pictured, leaves her County Cork home with twin sister, Ursula.


8:30am - Eriksson and her sister go to St Anne Police Station, in Liverpool, to report concerns over their children.

Midday - They board a National Express coach to Victoria Station, in London.

1pm - The coach stops at Keele Services to change drivers. It was not a scheduled comfort-break stop.

3.20pm - Police called to M6, just north of Keele Services.


Ursula has run onto the carriageway in front of a lorry. Eriksson runs in front of a silver Volkswagen Polo car and is knocked into the air.

Eriksson then regains consciousness, runs across the carriageway and punches a female police officer as she tries to stop her and then runs off. She is arrested and taken to the Northern Area Custody facility, at Etruria.


Eriksson is charged with assaulting a police officer and trespassing onto a motorway. She appears before North Staffordshire magistrates at Fenton, is sentenced to one-day custody and released.

7pm - Eriksson strikes up a conversation with Glenn Hollinshead and his friend Peter Molloy in Christchurch Road, Fenton, after they leave the Royal Oak pub. They all go to Mr Hollinshead's home in Duke Street.

11.40pm - Mr Molloy leaves the property.


Lunchtime: Mr Hollinshead phones brother, Paul, who lives in Blurton and works at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire, and tells him about Eriksson and her sister.

He asks him if he can find out what ward Ursula is on in the hospital.

7.40pm - Mr Hollinshead goes outside and asks neighbour, Frank Booth, for some tea bags.

Mr Booth is washing his minibus and asks Mr Hollinshead to wait until he has finished.

Mr Hollinshead goes back into the house.

But 74 seconds later Mr Hollinshead comes back out of the house, saying: "she's stabbed me".

7.49pm - Paramedics on their way to a reported stabbing in Duke Street see Eriksson standing on an island between two carriageways near Heron Cross roundabout off the A50. She is hitting herself on the head with a large hammer.

8pm - Motorist Joshua Grattage stops his car and takes the hammer off Eriksson.

When Eriksson sees the paramedics she runs towards the roundabout over the A50, followed by ambulance officers. She climbs the railings and jumps down to the A50.

The paramedics are told to go to the stabbing incident in Duke Street.

8.05pm - Police arrive at Duke Street to find Mr Hollinshead's body in an alleyway.


Eriksson is arrested while still a patient at the University Hospital of North Staffordshire.


Eriksson leaves hospital and is taken straight to the Northern Area Custody suite, in Etruria.

7.43pm - Eriksson is charged with murdering Mr Hollinshead


Eriksson is back at North Staffordshire Magistrates charged with murder.


Eriksson's trial starts at Nottingham Crown Court.


Eriksson admits manslaughter with diminished responsibility.

Mentalist psycho bitches from hell.

Could make a good film title.

That (video clip) would have been a good time for the police to use tasers.

Quote: zooo @ September 9 2010, 1:39 PM BST

That (video clip) would have been a good time for the police to use tasers.

It would only have super-charged them. The last thing we need is a pair of cloned supersoldiers charging around the place blasting people with arcs of lightning.

That video is horrible. :(

Quote: sootyj @ September 9 2010, 7:46 AM BST

going hands on is never a good or safe option

Especially when the cops have a pistol in a holster on their side. Getting that close to a belligerent is risky.

Give the kid's bizarre behavior, the cops probably assumed that he was out of his mind on drugs. Ever seen what someone is capable of doing while high on PCP? I've seen videos of 5 large cops trying to take down a medium-sized, angel-dusted man and the resulting struggle is epic. I've read stories about handcuffed prisoners breaking their shackles (and sometimes their bones) using nothing but drug-induced strength.

By the way, as part of their training all cops are tasered themselves before they are allowed to carry tasers.

Quote: DaButt @ September 9 2010, 3:06 PM BST

By the way, as part of their training all cops are tasered themselves before they are allowed to carry tasers.

For real? Wow, I had no idea. Isn't that risky, given the chance of fatality?

Quote: David Bussell @ September 9 2010, 3:45 PM BST

For real? Wow, I had no idea. Isn't that risky, given the chance of fatality?

The chances of a fatality are very, very small. I imagine you'd have to have a very severe heart problem or something. Cops and military police recruits are expected to be in good health, so there's not much chance of anyone dying.

I'd say the greatest danger is zapping someone who is in a precarious position: on a ledge, near oncoming traffic, etc.

Some videos of cops being zapped:

Quote: DaButt @ September 9 2010, 5:06 PM BST

The chances of a fatality are very, very small. I imagine you'd have to have a very severe heart problem or something. Cops and military police recruits are expected to be in good health, so there's not much chance of anyone dying.

I'd say the greatest danger is zapping someone who is in a precarious position: on a ledge, near oncoming traffic, etc.

Some videos of cops being zapped:

The black guy barely seemed to register it until the juice was turned off.

He was screaming on the inside. :D

My friends who have been shot with a taser say that it's extremely painful but recovery is almost instantaneous. 50,000 volts sounds like a lot, but the static electricity shocks that you get when shuffling your feet across carpet can exceed 20,000 volts. The actual current in both cases is minute and therefore mostly harmless.

Britain's fattest orang-utan put on strict diet

Catholic Church in Australia bans pop music at funerals

A Catholic funeral should be a sacred rite rather than a secular celebration, the Archbishop, Dennis Hart, says in the directive.

The ban comes after a study showed that a football song was one of the top requests at Melbourne funerals.

Oh, them crazy Catholics *rollyeyes*

Apparently, families with at least one daughter, have less mental health problems.

Girls rule!

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 12:14 PM BST

Girls rule!

Girls smell.

Hmm, that might explain mine then, as much as anyone's been able to explain mine.

Quote: zooo @ September 10 2010, 12:14 PM BST

Apparently, families with at least one daughter, have less mental health problems.

Girls rule!

Less than what? All other families, including childless ones?

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