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Stand-up Comedy DVDs: Shite or complete shite?

Christmas is nearly upon us and the chatshows are starting to fill with comedians pushing their DVDs for Christmas. This week I've already heard from, in ascending order of twattisness, Sean Locke, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr, Paddy MCguiness and Jim Davidson... Is it just me, or are all these DVDs a right load of old tat that aren't even worth watching once?

It's just you (with the exception of Jim Davidson obviously). ;)

They are worth watching once. But sometimes, after that you think, now what do I do with it?

Quote: chipolata @ November 16, 2007, 10:19 AM

Sean Locke, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr,

I wouldn't throw them out of my Xmas stocking.
But I'd probably only watch Ricky's more than once.

Well Ricky Gervais's one will be on Channel 4 sometime next year. Paddy McGuiness isn't funny like most 'northern' comedians and by that I don't mean all comedians from the North I mean comedians who are stuck in the 70s. Jim Davidson doesn't warrant a response. I heard Sean Locke's stuff was really good. Jimmy Carr is so obvious I could write his jokes based on the subject hes doing e.g. Chavs 'aren't they poor' Gays 'aren't they gay' Homeless 'haha they are homeless' Women 'Men let them think they are clever but they are really stupid' But its all OK cos hes being ironic.

Delirious by Eddie Murphy
Anything by Richard Pryor before 1980
Anything by Bill Hicks
Anything by Sam Kinison (except that rock 'n roll bullshit with Jessica Hahn)

I have Jimmys new DVD and I think I mentioined it in another thread, I wasn't massively impressed with it, nob jokes seemed to be the theme of the whole thing... which is great but I expect more from a man with "4 A's at A - level".

And the sketch show extra sucked balls too.

"DVD's" should NOT have an apostrophe in this context. Do you people learn nothing? >_<

Anyway. Some standup is shit, some is not. Wouldn't pay any more than the "discount" kinds of prices for the DVDs though; £5-£8 for example. Jim Davidson, for the record, amuses me. I don't necessarily exactly agree with what he's saying, mind, but still amusing.

The real shite this Christmas, is Pam Ann.

Check out our shop thingumy for more.

I don't agree, I like stand-up DVDs, they should have lots of extras though because the stand-up set on its own is not enough. I will be putting the new Russell Brand DVD on my Christmas list. :D

Jim Davidson, for the record, amuses me. I don't necessarily exactly agree with what he's saying, mind, but still amusing.

:O How can any comedy fan ever take you serious again?


Quote: Aaron @ November 16, 2007, 12:24 PM

"DVD's" should NOT have an apostrophe in this context. Do you people learn nothing? >_<

I'll get those grammar concentration camps up and running in no time Aaron!

PS - Will they need a shower first? Whistling nnocently

Quote: Martin Holmes @ November 16, 2007, 12:32 PM

I don't agree, I like stand-up DVDs, they should have lots of extras though because the stand-up set on its own is not enough. I will be putting the new Russell Brand DVD on my Christmas list. :D

I think they'd be far better if there was more than just one show on them. This is why I rarely-to-never go to see, or spend money on DVDs of, films. I just feel cheated. An isolated story with little further outcome and often little-to-no prospect of anything further. I mean, I watched Elizabeth last night, which although great in itself, just didn't feel like anything really happened. *shrug*

Quote: Martin Holmes @ November 16, 2007, 12:32 PM

:O How can any comedy fan ever take you serious again?


Meh, believe me mate, the kind of people I grew up around, I'm far, far beyond caring much at all what others think of me. In any case, I reckon he gets a far worse rep than he deserves, based purely on the, uh, let's say "questionable" nature of some of his material. When was the last time you actually sat down and watched one of his shows, from start to finish, with no preconception of what he or his material is like?

Quote: paul watson @ November 16, 2007, 12:36 PM

I'll get those grammar concentration camps up and running in no time Aaron!

PS - Will they need a shower first? Whistling nnocently

A shower of doom? Bring out the Zyklon B, post haste!

You'd be hard pressed to locate a DVD, but Mitch Hedberg is awesome. Just perfect mp3 player fodder.

Quote: Aaron @ November 16, 2007, 12:40 PM

Meh, believe me mate, the kind of people I grew up around, I'm far, far beyond caring much at all what others think of me. In any case, I reckon he gets a far worse rep than he deserves, based purely on the, uh, let's say "questionable" nature of some of his material. When was the last time you actually sat down and watched one of his shows, from start to finish, with no preconception of what he or his material is like?

Are you serious? I don't use the word often but Davidson is the type of person I'd describe a first class c**t. He's homophobic, xenophobic, misogynistic, big-headed, arrogant, slimy, wife-beater..ugh, just a horrible human being, who is in no way funny, not one iota. In every single interview I've seen him in he's just been the epitome of a horrible human being and every show of his stand-up I've seen is just total crap.

And you say that like it's a bad thing! :O

Laughing out loud

But in all honesty, yes, deadly serious - however, I've only seen one show of his so far; not really much to go on! I'll watch more this weekend and get back to you on that one. :)

:D Okay, although I wouldn't wish a Jim Davidson stand-up marathon on anyone.

I always loved Big Break though.


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