Alfred J Kipper
Tuesday 7th September 2010 8:59am [Edited]
8,482 posts
Hmm, well then that would make excellent programmes like for example, Tutti Frutti and Budgie 50 minute sitcoms. I don't see a problem with that reckoning, only that it does away with established categories, notably the funny comedy drama. (Not all are that funny.) On that point, I'd say both above programmes were funnier than R&V, and yet R&V is 'supposed' to be a sitcom. That's why I'm not that convinced it is, or even that it's supposed to be.
If anything it's a one off, or it just is what it is. But I suppose reviewers and media listing agents need to categorise it, like every other show. I just wonder if 'sitcom' is the the right listing for it. I think it may even get a better response from some who are expecting their sitcoms to be funny, but still see merit in it. Call it a comedy drama and I'm sure more viewers would be saying, that's not a bad comedy drama, raised a smile or two. Maybe?
I'm wondering if duration is the main reason for your sitcom listing?
Furthermore R&V, especially the last episode, had better quality drama in it (emotional drama) than many listed Dramas I've seen. The majority of them get no where near the depth that R&V achieves. And this is a sitcom! Well, is it?