British Comedy Guide


Hi nice comedic people, I'm amillionpounds (this may change if I think of something better).
Why am I being offered the chance to use smilies in this? I hate smilies. They're not funny. Discuss.
I try to write sitcom scripts and more recently sketches, some of which I think are quite good. My two main problems seem to be:
1. Finishing a script before I get distracted by another idea.
2. Showing people what I've done. (Except when I'm drunk, which usually means the person I'm showing to is drunk too and probably just finds it annoying. And all I get is the opinion of a drunk person which isn't all that useful.)

This is essentially why I'm here, so I can get some tips on scripty stuff and also maybe get some of you lovely folk to tell me if I'm any good from a knowledgable and sober viewpoint. I'm fed up of half hearted drunken critique.
so to start with I'll probably take more than I give, but try not to hold that against me please, I'm a very nice person, really, I like animals and all sorts.


I don't know if that worked, I tried to add the smily face which is like a pirate. Hilarious.

Hello and welcome. There is a good critique and writing forum on the site, as well as a section on writing so thats the best place to start. Put a sketch in the critique section or enter this weeks bsg comp (dating).

Smileys are great. I may be pissed. jac.



Laughing out loud

Smileys are of course wonderful!

Welcome to BSG!!! Rolling eyes

Why thankyou (not the pathetic loser bit, thats just mean). I'll have proper look around and maybe post some things very soon.

Smileys are not great, never have been, never will be (unless they get loads better in the future).


Funny time to come on expecting sober. How d'you like your animals done?
Welcome too - I loathe smileys - anything happy in fact.

:O :O

hello FR

no problem, and my sigs not for you but for frankie.

hello to you too but I must say I can't support this tirade you two have got going with respect to nice little furry smileys...

tsk! tsk! Wave

Quote: jacparov @ November 15, 2007, 12:02 AM

no problem, and my sigs not for you but for frankie.

Yes I know, I thought that, how cruet!


hello jacpararov too - this is getting like the waltons in reverse

any relation to jonparov?

only joshing, I happen to think you are an upstanding and intelligent man, fighting the idiots of our nation. Power to the Frankie. hurrah.

if smileys were furry then maybe i'd have more time for them, because then they'd be like animals, and i like animals. not in a sexy way.

Animal sex is OK. Pigs are doing it.

damn pigs.

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