British Comedy Guide

Big Brother final season Page 35

I can't believe I'm on John McCerrick's side here. :D

Great speech by the big-panted mutton-chopped oaf

:D He certainly shut her up.

I'm against violence, especially against women, but doesn't Nikki have a face you just want to punch? With a baseball bat?

The tree can't even shut McCerrick up! :D


You know what, like, I'd really forgotten, like, you know, how hard it Chantelle finds it, like, you know, to construct a valid, like, sentence, 'n' that.

Awww, BB is being horrible making all the girls cry. reminds me of my own big brothers. What's next? eat all their selection boxes and pull the heads off the Barbie dolls?

Not watched this for years, enjoyed it when it started, but I think it's been shite for about five years, but seen as they were bringing back some old contestents from when I was watching it, I tuned into a bit of tonights episode. I'm glad they've sent John McCrurick in to sort them whinging bastards out.

Me too Jack!

I want Coolio to go, he is a character but I think it would be better without him.

I'd like Vinnie Jones and Alex Reid to go back in. Although I suspect it will be Michelle Bass.

I think Coolio will go.
John next probably.

Quote: AngieBaby @ August 26 2010, 11:09 PM BST

Me too Jack!

I want Coolio to go, he is a character but I think it would be better without him.

I'd like Vinnie Jones and Alex Reid to go back in. Although I suspect it will be Michelle Bass.

I really hate Preston- ever since he walked off 'Never Mind the Buzzcocks' Nikki and Makosi are horrible people aswell.
I really want to see Eugene and Jon Tickle come on it. Plus a controversial housemate from I think Big Brother 5 (I think) called Victor. He was great in my opinion.

I loved Victor and his Dairy Room chats.

I think they'll stick Charley in. I would have said Bez but I read today he's just been found guilty of beating up his girlfriend.

Quote: Badge @ August 27 2010, 12:08 AM BST

I loved Victor and his Dairy Room chats.

I think they'll stick Charley in. I would have said Bez but I read today he's just been found guilty of beating up his girlfriend.

That's right- he's in the shovel for it aswell. They offered him community service, he said he wouldn't do it (I think claiming it was self defence) so they've sent him to prison for a month.

He's always been a cock and a waster. Don't like him.

Victor is going in, kind of! He's apparently going to be in that little flat they had, with Michelle Bass I think.

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