British Comedy Guide

In the green corner ...

Well hello there.

I'm currently struggling with my annual winter depression so I thought it might be a good idea to stop watching television, get up from my couch and sit down again, typing things on my laptop.

My name is Kris, I'm a Belgian (for the moment, that might all change in the next 24 hours) but I've lived in England, Germany, Spain and ofcourse my adopted country: Ireland.

I love writing, love comedy but I have one minor problem. I don't like people reading my stuff.

So that's me in a nutshell.

Morning. *tips cap*

Hello mate ... the easy answer to not liking people reading your stuff is...

Welcome to BSG!!! ;)


Helloooooooooooooo! :)

We welcome you with open....forums.....

Anyone ever noticed that Ellie's eyes seem to be at different levels, with her already off-centre head and slightly angled chin? She's gone a bit wibbly.

Hi FinnieMc/Kris welcome to the BSG *waves*

You can post stuff in the critique and we'll promise not to read it :)

Quote: Aaron @ November 13, 2007, 1:20 PM

Anyone ever noticed that Ellie's eyes seem to be at different levels, with her already off-centre head and slightly angled chin? She's gone a bit wibbly.

She looks a bit like Pat Sharp to me Laughing out loud


Hi FinnieMc ... welcome to the board. I just hit on a way to ensure your stuff gets read ... when you're gasping your last breath seal it all up in a time capsule and bury it. When its dug up in a couple of thousand years time it will revered as having enormous (possibly even religious) significance and likely get placed on display in a museum where the whole world can visit and read it!
In the meantime ... oh well!!!

Quote: Aaron @ November 13, 2007, 1:20 PM

Anyone ever noticed that Ellie's eyes seem to be at different levels, with her already off-centre head and slightly angled chin? She's gone a bit wibbly.

Too many glasses of champagne!

Quote: ajp29 @ November 13, 2007, 1:45 PM

Hi FinnieMc/Kris welcome to the BSG *waves*

You can post stuff in the critique and we'll promise not to read it :)

She looks a bit like Pat Sharp to me Laughing out loud


Haha - I do! Excellent! :D

Laughing out loud

hey Kris! *waves*

Hi Kris !

Hello Kris. You'll never know until you post some stuff. Ah go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on go on GO ON!!!!!!!

As above

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