British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 209

It's quite sweet how BT are trying to forge some Gold Blend-esque mini-soap in TV adverts.

Bah! Tis annoying. Glad I don't have to watch the ad breaks much these days.

1,600,000 isn't than more than voted in the general election?

No but it's more than voted for the BNP which I suppose is a good thing.

Sad to hear this.

Probably one of my funnest gigs I'd been to.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ August 21 2010, 12:51 AM BST

'I think the thinking behind the 'bullshit humanitarian reason' for releasing him is that most of the people in the know know that he didn't do it. Unfortunately like a lot of terrorist activity there is a pubic version of events and a real version of events.

I agree, making the man drop his appeal as part of a deal doesn't sound very humanitarian, but more like old fashioned cynical real-politik, which is probably why the Libyans handed him over in the first place.
Not one for absurd conspiracy theories (I'm even the only person who thinks Dr Kelly committed suicide) but there's a lot about this case that hasn't smelt right, even to the relatives of the UK victims.
His appeal was granted because the prosecution case was looking more and more shaky over the passage of time.

Quote: sootyj @ August 22 2010, 8:04 PM BST

1,600,000 voted in that stupid BT advert vote.

Is the government aware who these insanely, dangerously gullible people are?

Also lets not tell the kid's I'm pregnant? That's just f**ked up.

At first I thought we were being asked to vote on an abortion. Hasn't he been busy watching porn down Cornwall with his mates?
Perhaps the neurotic passive-aggressive woman's baby is Anthony Heads, who seduced her over some terrible instant coffee.


The evidence against Megrahi is most compelling.
To the extent that there's very little serious doubt he was a major player. Guys no Lee Harvey Oswald.

He was obeying the orders of his government. Who are generally believed to have been doing a favour for the Iranians or the Syrians. Vengance for something the US did to piss them off.

Politics in that part of the world are a sewer.

Either way Megrahi was a foot soldier. Who's now been reprieved so Libya can join the war on terror. And sell us oil.

Yay I suppose.

Quote: EllieJP @ August 23 2010, 10:34 AM BST

Sad to hear this.

Probably one of my funnest gigs I'd been to.

I heard about that. Was it suicide or death by misadventure?


Oh wait, it says in the link... >_<

Suicide, he crowd surfed irresponsibly and paralysed a girl.

Is that why he did it? Or is it a joke that I didn't get.

It was in the Standard. He stage dived after their set when no one was expecting it, the fans scattered and he landed on a girl.

So now the girl has got that to deal with too. Nice!

He was 22 poor sod.

So you probably know about the whole mosque / Ground Zero controversy. This recent video shows a baying crowd screaming "No mosque here!", as a dark-skinned guy with a beard and a white hat is confronted by the crowd. One all-American working class hero in a blue hard hat calls him a coward and wants to fight him. The bearded guy's jostled and scared and the mood is turning ugly.

Luckily things calm down. And then the revelation - the guy - Kenny - is just am American black carpenter who works near Ground Zero. He's not even Muslim - not that that should matter.

What a bunch of f**king retards.

Check it out!

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