British Comedy Guide

BSG Sketch comp 4.11-10.11 Page 2

Quote: Baumski @ November 10, 2007, 6:55 PM

Not spending as much time on the site as I would like but what happens when I do log on - abuse! I'd be lying if I didn't say I was feeling just a tad hurt. But just to show that there's no hard feelings, here's a revolution sketch so you might as well keep the competition open, Mike.

Laughing out loud be careful, or you just might have Frankie Rage voting for you!

Yeah, keep the comp open for a day or so more or whatever.. given that the peasants are revolting! ;)

Also, it'll be something I can complain about later!!! Huzzah!!

1. Ext. burma. day

MONKS line the streets with placards and shouting and screaming. POLICE are at the other end of the street. A POLICE SPOKESMAN is also present.

MONK: End the suffering, no more repression, no more cruelty!
SPOKESMAN: I'm just doing my job. what can i do?
MONK: We won't put up with it anymore, it's sickening, it makes me want to puke just thinking about it.
SPOKESMAN: I've tried and tried, years of negotiating but they won't budge. The tibetens say they had the c**t for seven years and they're not willing to take brad pitt back for anyone.


Quote: Baumski @ November 11, 2007, 11:23 AM

It's alright Lee, let me explain. As the theme is revolution, the gnomes are revolting. Sorry you found it so confusing.


The question mark was for the confusion over the closing of the competition.

Wow what a reaction! There I was wondering whether to skip voting when it turned out a typically strong set! If it's okay I'll close the comp now and leave voting open till Tuesday midnight.
Thanks for your contributions

do we vote on here? if so i vote for Charley.

Charley too


Baumski (if my vote counts)

That Mrs CHARLEY woman!!!

Nice sketch, there are lots of Jesus sketches, this one was a bit different!

I vote for Ellie - very funny.

ContainsNuts - I didn't even enter this week! But thanks! haha

I think he means in general.

And Charley.

Quote: ContainsNuts @ November 12, 2007, 12:53 PM

I vote for Ellie - very funny.

I agree - even though she didn't consciously enter. A great form of revolt.

If Ellie wins and didn't enter then what does it say about the quality?

I vote Charley.

Quote: Cinnamon @ November 12, 2007, 8:31 PM

If Ellie wins and didn't enter then what does it say about the quality?

I think Ellie has loads of quality.

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