British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 204

Agreed, but they still killed the poor thing. :(

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2010, 2:25 PM BST

Agreed, but they still killed the poor thing. :(


Because they decided it was 'dangerous' I suppose. The wankers.

Quote: zooo @ August 20 2010, 2:31 PM BST

Because they decided it was 'dangerous' I suppose. The wankers.

But that was the point of the "game". They put an angry dangerous bull in a ring and then the game is for "players" to get as close to it as possible without being gored. How can they justify killing the animal for doing what it was supposed to do...stomp on human heads?

F**king stupid bloodthirsty primitive bastards.

Quote: news @ August 20 2010, 2:27 PM BST

bulls occasionally leap security fences at bullrings

Imagine if you designed an aircraft which 'occasionally' plummeted earthwards, would this crowd find that acceptable?

Quote: news @ August 20 2010, 2:27 PM BST

they rarely make it into the crowd.

...and then you tried to explain to them that it only rarely plummeted all the way to the ground?

This is odd - remember Ray Gosling, the journalist who admitted live on TV that he'd once smothered his AIDS-ridden lover with a pillow? Turns out it was all a lie and he's now being charged with wasting police time. This is a rubbish news article, it doesn't tell you much more - but still, WTF?

Quote: Lee Henman @ August 20 2010, 2:34 PM BST

F**king stupid bloodthirsty primitive bastards.

So ... Spanish.

The police should charge themselves for wasting their own time. It was a non-story that, even if true, could never have been proven in a court of law: and certainly would have served no greater public good to lock the guy up. The CPS should grow up and f**k off.

I think the police were obliged to investigate, considering this guy had spoken on TV about how he'd killed someone.

Quote: Aaron @ August 20 2010, 3:24 PM BST

So ... Spanish.

The police should charge themselves for wasting their own time. It was a non-story that, even if true, could never have been proven in a court of law: and certainly would have served no greater public good to lock the guy up. The CPS should grow up and f**k off.

There's enough serious cases they don't bother with.


Frankly the next police who attempts to arrest someone for a stupid aside on the telly. Should have his truncheon then his helmet rammed up his fundament.

Quote: Lee Henman @ August 20 2010, 2:34 PM BST

But that was the point of the "game". They put an angry dangerous bull in a ring and then the game is for "players" to get as close to it as possible without being gored. How can they justify killing the animal for doing what it was supposed to do...stomp on human heads?

F**king stupid bloodthirsty primitive bastards.

Gives bulls martyrdom belts that'd make for a good show!

I am not an animal lover but bull fighting or bull baiting is barbaric and I laugh every time I see someone getting hurt.

But what about the traditional uk sport of badger baiting?

Which we all flock to the stadiums to watch!

It puzzles that the US is so upset about Al Megrahi's release. Surely the question that needs answering is why a man with prostate cancer is given just weeks to live in Scotland, but when he moved to Libya his life expectancy increases ten-fold.

The US can't handle that it wasn't in control. The issue of why he was released is a smokescreen.

Quote: AngieBaby @ August 20 2010, 10:11 PM BST

It puzzles that the US is so upset about Al Megrahi's release. Surely the question that needs answering is why a man with prostate cancer is given just weeks to live in Scotland, but when he moved to Libya his life expectancy increases ten-fold.

The Scottish justice ministe had a rather shamefaced interview about how poor health care is in UK prisons.

With life expectancy being something like 10 years below average.

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