Lee Henman
Tuesday 17th August 2010 4:20pm
5,183 posts
Quote: roscoff @ August 17 2010, 3:59 PM BST
If that's the best footage then somebodies going to have to go a lot better to convince the sceptics.
Bloody Hell Roscoff what do you want, a piccie of an alien sat on the bog in his spaceship?
The problem is that with the REALLY impressive footage is that people always cry "fake!". There's loads of pinsharp images and vids of UFOs flying around the net that could be faked in Photoshop or a 3D programme, so it's hard to sort the truth from the bollocks. The video I posted though is widely regarded to be genuine. Although some people have said they might be boats. Yes. boats.
The fact is that there are a lot of people who simply refuse to believe in even the possibility of the existence of UFOs.
What I say to them is out of all the hundreds of thousands of sightings, videos, photos, reported abductions, and all the rest - if just ONE of those was true, then UFOs do exist. To me it's far more improbable for such a vast amount of people (including astronauts, fighter pilots, etc) to be completely wrong, every single time.
I think me and DaButt went head to head on this subject a while ago. As far as I remember he's one of the die-hard skeptics of which I speak.