British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 202

Quote: bigfella @ August 16 2010, 9:44 PM BST

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The book cover. Face off centre. Odd.

More to the point, it's leaning to the left...

Quote: Aaron @ August 16 2010, 10:23 PM BST

More to the point, it's leaning to the left...

Leaning to the left, off centre to the right.

Perfect for winning three stunning victories without the need of someone like slimeball (I'm in charge 'cos David says I can be for two weeks) Clegg.

BTW, in a recent council by-election here in Wolves the LDs came 5/5 polling just 52 votes out of 1993 cast!


Quote: bigfella @ August 16 2010, 9:44 PM BST

The Story.

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Look at his war crimes little face!

That's a bad haircut for him.

Quote: sootyj @ August 16 2010, 9:50 PM BST

Suicide by professional danger wank.

What will his kids say at school?

Interesting story, but it's a pity the phrase 'death by hooker' is being printed in the papers, considering the sort of mental turmoil those women must be in.

According to the Daily Mail chief scientist prostitutes don't have any emotions. They're in fact 72% coal and more closely related to ferrets.

To be fair, I do find that prostitutes burn very well.

But so many pollutants. Still Cameron has said he won't be closing any coal/prostitute power stations.

Quote: Nogget @ August 17 2010, 6:04 AM BST

Interesting story, but it's a pity the phrase 'death by hooker' is being printed in the papers, considering the sort of mental turmoil those women must be in.

F**k the hookers.

That's why you suck at rugby

Quote: Oldrocker @ August 17 2010, 12:18 AM BST

Perfect for winning three stunning victories without the need of someone like slimeball (I'm in charge 'cos David says I can be for two weeks) Clegg.

Come now, why so bitter that your party is a failure? It brought its fate upon itself.

I have been reading all about Dr David Kelly and his suicide/murder.
Fascinating stuff.

Quote: Aaron @ August 17 2010, 12:09 PM BST

Come now, why so bitter that your party is a failure? It brought its fate upon itself.

As does every party that gets in. People hate whoever's in after a while, and dump them out again.

Labour could have (emphasis on the could: still not perhaps entirely likely, but far more plausible) hung onto power had they had the wit to replace El Gordo as leader though.

BBC weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker caught on air giving the finger to BBC News Channel anchor Simon McCoy:

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