British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 201

Quote: sootyj @ August 14 2010, 6:19 PM BST

Build it and by media pressure alone they wouldn't dare set a foot wrong. One undercover journalist finding an Islamist preacher and their reputation is sunk.

Pfft. Your faith in their logic and resolve is misplaced, I fear.

Too right I lack faith. I think in such a sensitive spot the shenanigans that have gone on in Stepney, Finsbury Mosque et al wouldn't be allowed to happen.

I think it's a way of dragging the fundamental weakness in moderate Islam into the light.

A guy is trying to build an Islamic-themed gay bar next door. We'll see if the mosque's backers are as peaceful and tolerant as they claim.

I wish him luck it sounds like a great idea. It maybe a very effective way to protest.

One of the things that crippled the BNP was being dragged into the day light.

If these Muslims are genuinely liberal consensus builders great.

If they're not they'll fail in the blaring light of the media.

My daughter's friend was the driver of the truck that killed 8 people. Her husband was photographing the race but wasn't injured.

I just read about that a minute ago.
How do you deal with accidentally killing 8 people?

I agree with Obama, You can't refuse to build a mosque simply because some Muslims once carried out a major crime in the area. It'd be like banning lorry drivers from driving through Yorkshire.

Largest oil spill in history; I can understand people being upset by that.
20 million affected by Pakistani floods; definitely newsworthy
A mosque is built hundreds of feet from Ground what? No one is killed, there's no environmental damage, the economy remains unaffected.

Tony Blair and his guilt money? Or damn decent fine chap? You decide.

But why is his face off centre on the cover?


The Story.

Product artwork - buy at Amazon

The book cover. Face off centre. Odd.

Couldn't they just drop them on the Taleban?

I suppose you'd rather he was facing a cardboard cut out of himself, eh, bigfella?

I like Blair.

Suicide by professional danger wank.

What will his kids say at school?

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