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SootyJ posted a great YouTube link on another thread showing the relative sizes of stars.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ August 12 2010, 11:39 PM BST

This happens to be my field of expertise.
I think the proper astrological term is the big Dipper or Saucepan

Isn't that what the Yanks call it? As far as I'm concerned it's the Plough.

Agreed. Ursa Minor 'The Plough'.

Big Dipper, Little Dipper

(or as my kids call them "Big Broken Sandbox Shovel" and "Little Bent Coffee Scoop)

Quote: AndreaLynne @ August 13 2010, 6:37 PM BST

Big Dipper, Little Dipper

(or as my kids call them "Big Broken Sandbox Shovel" and "Little Bent Coffee Scoop)

That's what I said. Yankie names.

To Laura, especially.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ August 14 2010, 10:21 PM BST

To Laura, especially.

I just came across that a few days ago!!!!!!!!!!!!
Isn't it amaaaaazing? I spent hours on there looking, and I want literally every single thing. Lovey

That reminds me, I was going to order something. (Whatever the cheapest item I can find is, probably.)

Ooh, they have some new stuff since last week.

I want the letters scarf, but £45!

Ha, yes, some of it's really expensive. But there are a few surprisingly cheap things there.

Ooh I could make some of that stuff. Really you could make the letters scarf too out of a big piece of felt, chalk and some good scissors. And a LOT of patience.

The patience would kill me.

I think it would be well worth paying £45 not to have to do it. :)

But if you went wrong once like half way and cut through a whole letter!?

Quote: zooo @ August 14 2010, 11:15 PM BST

I think it would be well worth paying £45 not to have to do it. :)

Yes! That is good reasoning to buy it!

You girls!

Thats a cool site. Have you been to "I want one of those dot com"

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