Friday 6th August 2010 7:47pm
Royal Berkshire
69,977 posts
Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 6 2010, 5:07 PM BST
If you don't have a noodle steaming bowl- boil them up (300ml water) with some carrots and peppers (so the carrots and peppers are still crisp)- throw in 1 tsp miso paste, 2tbsp sweet chilli sauce and 2 tbsps soy sauce. Serve with the soup ! Sooooo good for under 10 mins !
Very, very tempting. Where do you buy your noodles from?
Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 6 2010, 8:13 PM BST
I'm cooking venison pie.
Venison is naaaaaaasty stuff.
Quote: DaButt @ August 6 2010, 8:44 PM BST
My neighbor hunts a lot and gives me all the venison, quail, duck and hog that I want. The last wild hog he shot was made into EXCELLENT spicy ring sausages. I usually throw one or two on the grill whenever barbecue.
I tried some wild boar sausage recently. Bloody lovely, IIRC.