British Comedy Guide

Big Brother final season Page 28

Well I guess so.
I haven't seen more than 5 minutes of him though, so I don't really know what he's like.

Quote: zooo @ August 2 2010, 11:55 PM BST

Well I guess so.
I haven't seen more than 5 minutes of him though, so I don't really know what he's like.

Me neither :D

Quote: Badge @ August 2 2010, 11:44 PM BST

NO no no no no! Poisonous twerps is where BB went wrong in 6/7/8. This guy is a twat. That isn't entertaining. What is entertaining and interesting is fairly decent people splitting into factions because of their circumstances and rowing anyway. I had been very optimistic about this series because - like the last one - they had cast it with fewer bell-ends overall, but this is just stunt casting.

No no no no no! I agree, factions are great. But they can't be artificially created. They just have to develop. And even if they do develop, there's no guarantee they'll last. This series started with factions, but they gradually dissolved until every one got on. About the only thing the producers could do is shove in poisonous twits and hope they mixed things up.

Quote: zooo @ August 2 2010, 10:55 PM BST

He reminds me of someone else famous, it's really annoying me.

Jonathan King?

I don't like Sam, he could maybe be quite funny if he wasn't so nasty.

I'm bored with the Jon James/Josie thing now.

Man-up Mario, you twat. Should've put Jo up, the stupid bint.

He is annoying. Especially when he puts his glasses on.

Who? Mario? Does he wear glasses?

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 4 2010, 10:50 PM BST

Who? Mario? Does he wear glasses?

Every now and then he pops them on. To show us his intellectual side.

I don't like these song and dance tasks.

Get with it John James. Waster.

I'm surprised no one has attacked Sam Pepper yet. He's a right little c**t.

Quote: Nil Putters @ August 5 2010, 10:49 PM BST

I'm surprised no one has attacked Sam Pepper yet. He's a right little c**t.

He's probably the most hateful person ever. But he's stirred up the house, which is a good thing.

Quote: chipolata @ August 5 2010, 10:53 PM BST

But he's stirred up the house, which is a good thing.

No it isn't.

Yes, it's all got a bit heated and nasty now. I don't enjoy real nastiness, it brings me down. I want to be entertained.

Now, if BB f**ks with them, fair play. :D

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