British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 194

Quote: DaButt @ August 3 2010, 1:12 AM BST

Surely this case should have been tried in a sharia court so that the little slut could get the punishment she so richly deserved.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Would be good though if the abusers were.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 4 2010, 10:53 AM BST

My newspaper of choice is The Guardian. make of that what you will ;)

Back on the armed police thing:

I'm a passifist but I respect peoples' right to use violence as a last resort to defend themselves or others. I think I'm pretty open minded about the whole 'armed police' thing. I think that more trained armed police would probably be a good thing because I genuinely believe that they do more good than bad. Police like anyone other profession are just ordinary people. Some of them are bound to be dickheads who ruin it for everyone else. Doesn't mean all police are bad. Doesn't mean they all shoot people for no reason. But it also doesn't mean that they should be protected when they have done something very wrong. If someone is killed by an armed officer the questions should be asked: who was at risk? Was this the last resort? Did the officer follow the law? Yes? Sorted, go free young piggy !

Well that's what happens?

The weak link is the Independent Police Complaints Comission who have less balls than a shop that only sells dodecahedrons. They have never ever managed to succesfully bring an investigation against anyone. From Blair Peach to that poor sod caught in the climate change riots, they fail every time.

It's actually stunning in an atmosphere where everything from entrapment to murder via rape is acceptable by the IPCC. That so few coppers are rotten.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 4 2010, 10:53 AM BST

My newspaper of choice is The Guardian. make of that what you will ;)

Oh dear. Why "of choice?" Is that English grammar?

Anyway just read about the woman who took her 3 kids to Moat's funeral and said it was a better day out than Legoland. She called him a Role Model. I suppose he would be if you're a single mother of 8 kids, live on benefits and have White Power and swastika tattoos.

Somebody that stupid really is of a more primitive genus than homo sapien.

Quote: DaButt @ August 4 2010, 1:50 AM BST

This incident in my city is a reminder of why we need to lock repeat offenders away for a long, long time.

a) The dead guy is a moron for stopping in such a way that he was obstructing traffic.
b) The dead guy is a moron for engaging in a fight.
c) The dead guy is called Juan Duran. Laughing out loud

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 4 2010, 10:53 AM BST

My newspaper of choice is The Guardian. make of that what you will ;)

I am shocked.

Quote: Chappers @ August 4 2010, 12:48 PM BST

I suppose he would be if you're a single mother of 8 kids, live on benefits and have White Power and swastika tattoos.

Was she like that?

Quote: Aaron @ August 4 2010, 12:57 PM BST

To be fair, she's clearly a bit simple. Possibly with learning difficulties. I shan't mock her. It's not my way.

Quote: chipolata @ August 4 2010, 1:01 PM BST

To be fair, she's clearly a bit simple. Possibly with learning difficulties. I shan't mock her. It's not my way.

I'm ashamed to see she was wearing a Chelsea shirt. Now if it was Manchester United I could've understood it..........

Worth it just for the headline.

A dog bit someone's toe while they were in bed? :O

Kill all dogs immediately! Start up dog hunting in cities! Wipe out these vermin!

(Do you see where I'm going here?)

Quote: Aaron @ August 4 2010, 12:53 PM BST

I am shocked.

Sarcasm is difficult to detect on the internet without the use of emoticons or elispes.

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 4 2010, 1:34 PM BST

Sarcasm is difficult to detect on the internet without the use of emoticons or elispes.



Quote: zooo @ August 4 2010, 1:33 PM BST

A dog bit someone's toe while they were in bed? :O

Kill all dogs immediately! Start up dog hunting in cities! Wipe out these vermin!

(Do you see where I'm going here?)

Yes, and you're completely missing the mark.

Now let's go fox hunting.

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