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I read the news today oh boy! Page 193

Quote: DaButt @ August 3 2010, 5:35 PM BST

In most cases the suspect is brandishing a weapon (which can include a vehicle)

How do you brandish a vehicle?

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 5:37 PM BST

wwwhere no one@gets hurt.

mine's a double.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 5:57 PM BST

How do you brandish a vehicle?

Like this:

And an example of how a simple traffic stop can quickly escalate into a shooting situation:

Quote: zooo @ August 3 2010, 5:52 PM BST

Are you drunk, sooty?

Sorry typing on the bus.

Ahh! You are forgiven then.

But it's this paranoid, knee jerk reaction to any kind of authority.

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 6:46 PM BST

But it's this paranoid, knee jerk reaction to any kind of authority.

Give an example from recent postings.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 11:47 AM BST

It's funny that the state won't execute people when they are convicted of a crime, but they regularly kill us prior to a trial.

Median number of people killed by armed police officers 2.2 PA, is hardly regular in fact it's postively slight.

So yes this is rather paranoid.

Regularity is not dependent upon quantity. 1 every year is regular, just as is 1 every minute.

yes the uk
police are like the whicker man demanding their blood sacrifice for the home secretary

Anyway forget good cop : bad cop. They've found the remains of John the Baptist! Well part of a jaw bone and an arm anyway. What more proof does the world need?

This incident in my city is a reminder of why we need to lock repeat offenders away for a long, long time.

A road rage incident left a man dead Monday night at Marbach Road and Military Drive.

The suspect, 44-year-old Stephen Richardson, was in his vehicle behind another car. Richardson got angered when the driver in front of him stopped to buy flowers.

He followed the driver to a parking lot at the intersection where Richardson got in a physical fight with him. Witnesses told police at one point in the fight Richardson slammed 30-year-old Juan Duran's head into the pavement several times.

Police say the assault happened in front of Duran's wife and children. Then they say Richardson left the body on the pavement. But those witnesses took down Richardson's license plate number, which made it easy for officers to track him down.

Duran and was taken to University Hospital, where he was on life support until his death.

Investigators are still trying to determine what provoke the anger. Some say it was because Duran was holding up traffic at the intersection where he stopped to buy the flowers.

Richardson has been charged with murder. Police say he has a lengthy criminal record, including: 12 theft charges, burglary and two prior assault charges.

What a freak.

A man here just tried to grab on to a helicopter which was taking off. I suppose you could call it road rage. He was annoyed about the helicopter making some rubbish hit his poor precious car.
Apparently that's worth nearly killing four people and trying to make a helicopter crash on top of him.

What a psycho.

Quote: zooo @ August 4 2010, 2:03 AM BST

What a psycho.

The Army taught us to hug the ground when choppers are landing or taking off. It's not worth losing your head over.

Quote: DaButt @ August 4 2010, 1:50 AM BST

This incident in my city is a reminder of why we need to lock repeat offenders away for a long, long time.

Prevention is better than cure. If the flowers had been locked away, this would never have happened.

Quote: Aaron @ August 3 2010, 12:31 PM BST

Where do you lean, politically, Nat Wicks?

My newspaper of choice is The Guardian. make of that what you will ;)

Back on the armed police thing:

I'm a passifist but I respect peoples' right to use violence as a last resort to defend themselves or others. I think I'm pretty open minded about the whole 'armed police' thing. I think that more trained armed police would probably be a good thing because I genuinely believe that they do more good than bad. Police like anyone other profession are just ordinary people. Some of them are bound to be dickheads who ruin it for everyone else. Doesn't mean all police are bad. Doesn't mean they all shoot people for no reason. But it also doesn't mean that they should be protected when they have done something very wrong. If someone is killed by an armed officer the questions should be asked: who was at risk? Was this the last resort? Did the officer follow the law? Yes? Sorted, go free young piggy !

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