British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 192

No. But the article says 30 people have been shot and no police officer found guilty.

Last year Bowyers made 500,000 pork pies. But no one was found guilty of wanking in the pork filling.

How can we let this go on?

Quote: Nat Wicks @ August 3 2010, 11:26 AM BST

So, hypethetically, are you saying that if an armed police officer gets a bit trigger happy and shoots a 'criminal' (or not) when they pose no risk to the public or themselves, and have not yet been convicted of a crime, they should go unchallenged?

It's funny that the state won't execute people when they are convicted of a crime, but they regularly kill us prior to a trial.

I'd like to see more 'beat cops' on the street.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 11:47 AM BST

It's funny that the state won't execute people when they are convicted of a crime, but they regularly kill us prior to a trial.

Regular? Aaaaggghhh 30 people in 5 years.

You are more likely to be killed by some twunt with a gun emboldened by the absence of armed police.

Dereck Bird may well have shot 1 or none if some police man had plugged, the taxi driving, psycho bastard.

Quote: chipolata @ August 3 2010, 11:51 AM BST

I'd like to see more 'beat cops' on the street.

Frankly Bluethunder was the template for all truly modern policing.

Where do you lean, politically, Nat Wicks?

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 11:56 AM BST

Regular? Aaaaggghhh 30 people in 5 years.

What's not regular about that?

I think that if we allow police to shoot suspected villains dead, then we might as well have the death penalty for convicted offenders.

It's 30 people in 12 years, not 5 years.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 2:22 PM BST

What's not regular about that?

I think that if we allow police to shoot suspected villains dead, then we might as well have the death penalty for convicted offenders.

Cops use their weapons only in certain circumstances. They are highly trained in their proper use. They don't walk around blasting people for jaywalking.

Quote: DaButt @ August 3 2010, 3:10 PM BST

It's 30 people in 12 years, not 5 years.

Cops use their weapons only in certain circumstances. They are highly trained in their proper use. They don't walk around blasting people for jaywalking.


Quote: bamalamafizzvaj @ August 3 2010, 3:18 PM BST


A few important points:

1) Pulling a gun and shooting someone are two completely different things. You'll also note that the officer is following correct procedure and has his pistol pointed down and away from the suspect.

2) The motorcyclist was not blameless. He was weaving in and out of traffic at more than 100 MPH and HE was the one who was putting lives at risk.

3) The cop's gun was out of its holster for about 4 seconds before it was re-holstered after the man complied with the command to get off the motorcycle.

4) Charging someone for videotaping cops is ludicrous.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 2:22 PM BST

What's not regular about that?

I think that if we allow police to shoot suspected villains dead, then we might as well have the death penalty for convicted offenders.

So what do you expect a police officer to do when faced with an armed criminal?

Our armed police units are statistically a model of restraint.

Holland, Sweden, Japan, Finland etc etc manage to have armed police forces without filling the streets with corpses.

I think there should be a death penalty shoot out at the end of football matches. That'll bring the crowds in. You miss, you die. I don't want payment for this idea, only that Nicolas Anelka takes the first one.

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 3:56 PM BST

So what do you expect a police officer to do when faced with an armed criminal?

It's the unarmed ones I'd prefer they don't kill.

Quote: Nogget @ August 3 2010, 5:06 PM BST

It's the unarmed ones I'd prefer they don't kill.

That very rarely happens in your country and mine. In most cases the suspect is brandishing a weapon (which can include a vehicle), claims to be brandishing a weapon, is attempting to steal an officer's weapon, has been reported to be armed with a weapon or is in the process of killing or threatening to kill someone.

in most of those cases they had reasonable grounds to fear for their
lives. each year there are 100s of armed confrontations in the uk wwwhere no one@gets hurt.

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 5:37 PM BST

in most of those cases they had reasonable grounds to fear for their
lives. each year there are 100s of armed confrontations in the uk wwwhere no one@gets hurt.

Are you drunk, sooty?

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