British Comedy Guide

How great is Paul Whitehouse? Page 2

Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 31 2010, 7:35 PM BST

Paul Whitehouse is undeniably talented. Personally I have never been able to bear his wrinkled under-sized face. He is also a bit too blue collar for me - he makes Danny Dyer look like George Osbourne.

I was singularly unimpressed by his treatment of Chris Langham.

Blue Collar? You mean his comedy, or he himself?

As for Langham, you didn't expect Whitehouse to try and get him off the hook when he has children of his own, did you? Oh, I forgot, Langham's a nice middle-class pervert, isn't he?

I meant what I said catskilz, it doesn't need translating. Whitehouse worked one time as a plasterer. He still resembles a plasterer - albeit one who can do impressions. It isn't a class thing - I'm working class myself.

Pervert isn't a legal definition. Langham was convicted under the obscene publications act for looking at illegal images. Not abusing people. As far as I know he only abused himself.

I always liked Happiness too and think it's due a repeat showing. Was it ever available on DVD.

His Aviva adverts are good too.

Quote: Chappers @ August 2 2010, 10:45 PM BST

His Aviva adverts are good too.

I like Whitehouse, but those adverts are shit.

Only abused himself? If only it was that simple. Many of the abusive acts on the photos may never have happened if the site, and others like it hadn't existed. Also, many, if not most of the children on the photos he was wanking over will go on to abuse children themselves - that's if they don't throw themselves in front of a train before then - so the only way to stop the vicious cycle is by punishing the people who give the sites their credit card details. It's the only way of scaring future perverts from doing it as well.

I hope this thread turns into an anti/pro Langham ding-dong. There haven't been nearly enough of them on this site.

Your wish is my command.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ August 2 2010, 10:48 PM BST

I like Whitehouse, but those adverts are shit.

I am proud to agree with Matthew Stott.

Catskillz is right as well, but as he didn't bring up the Langham issue anyway it would be a bit mental to blame him for it.

Quote: Godot Taxis @ August 2 2010, 5:21 PM BST

Pervert isn't a legal definition. Langham was convicted under the obscene publications act for looking at illegal images. Not abusing people. As far as I know he only abused himself.

As I recall Langham also had to answer charges of buggery and indecent assault of a minor. He was acquitted, and we should accept that, but it is disingenuous to give the impression that there was no suggestion of other offences.

Whitehouse at the trial said that he was unaware that Langham had been accessing paedophile material to research a character for Help and that he was unaware the character was supposed to be a paedophile. I do not see how giving evidence under oath can be interpreted as mistreatment of Langham.

I agree. I don't think Whitehouse did anything wrong. He just told the truth.

Quote: Chappers @ August 2 2010, 10:45 PM BST

I always liked Happiness too and think it's due a repeat showing. Was it ever available on DVD.

It's also on G.O.L.D. in the early hours from time to time.

He's a great performer but has suffered from the vice of performers nowadays, the need to write his own material. Generally great comic actors shine when they have a great writing team behind them. I do not think any of his creations reached their potential.

Quote: Cheesehoven @ August 3 2010, 1:20 PM BST

He's a great performer but has suffered from the vice of performers nowadays, the need to write his own material. Generally great comic actors shine when they have a great writing team behind them. I do not think any of his creations reached their potential.

The Fast Show is crammed full of masterful creations. As is the sadly tainted Help. As is Down The Line.

I think he's a great performer but he's doing his rep no favours with all these ads he's doing lately.

Quote: chipolata @ August 3 2010, 3:03 PM BST

The Fast Show is crammed full of masterful creations. As is the sadly tainted Help. As is Down The Line.

I've never seen Help. I suppose it's criminal that I haven't.

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