British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 191

Quote: zooo @ August 2 2010, 6:35 PM BST

What about old people who drop litter?


Quote: zooo @ August 2 2010, 6:35 PM BST

What about old people who drop litter?

All youth crime is committed by young people.

Quote: chipolata @ August 2 2010, 6:15 PM BST

You're being flippant, but I'd happily live in a state where young people who drop litter, hang aroung in gangs or swear in public are shot.

Brazil is about the worst example. Police death squads? Result Bario's so vicious the police occaisonally visit in heavily armoured convoys.

But if you bare in mind they've got bazookas and shoot down helicopters, pretty rare.

Quote: Nogget @ August 2 2010, 6:20 PM BST

Trouble is, the police do tend to get it wrong quite a lot, see link:

Bloody hell some of those incidents are 14 years apart. The British police rarely get it wrong with firearms most officers never fire in the whole of their careers.

I'd like considerably more armed police.

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2010, 4:25 PM BST

Crime rates keep dropping.

Because Labour kept altering what was counted as 'crime'.

Quote: DaButt @ August 2 2010, 5:55 PM BST

Is it an actual, palpable reduction in crimes that is readily apparent to every British citizen, or is it a matter of changing the way crimes are reported, not responding to minor complaints, citizen apathy about reporting crimes because the cops never do anything, etc?

The latter.

And after they've served their sentence we should f*ck them off back to wherever they, or the families that beget them, came from.

Surely this case should have been tried in a sharia court so that the little slut could get the punishment she so richly deserved.


(at several things)

Quote: zooo @ August 3 2010, 1:13 AM BST


(at several things)


Oh, everything!

Well that narrows it down.

Well I've de-yiked now. That was yesterday!

Fair enough.

Quote: sootyj @ August 2 2010, 7:10 PM BST

Bloody hell some of those incidents are 14 years apart.

As the article says "According to an October 2005 article in The Independent, in the preceding 12 years, 30 people had been shot dead by police, and no officers had been convicted in connection with any of them."

30 in 5 years, that's 6 a year. Making the average armed police officer approximately as dangerous as a a seagull.

The assumption that any one should have been found guilty is the kind of reflexive liberal clap trap that boils my piss. And is the reason fewer and fewer police are willing to be armed.

Quote: sootyj @ August 3 2010, 11:22 AM BST

The assumption that any one should have been found guilty is the kind of reflexive liberal clap trap that boils my piss. And is the reason fewer and fewer police are willing to be armed.

So, hypethetically, are you saying that if an armed police officer gets a bit trigger happy and shoots a 'criminal' (or not) when they pose no risk to the public or themselves, and have not yet been convicted of a crime, they should go unchallenged? I'm not arguing with you, jst trying to feel out where you stand on the issue.

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