British Comedy Guide

I forgot to introduce myself.... Page 2

Quote: Aaron @ November 8, 2007, 3:23 PM

Ellie is a fine, upstanding citizen.

Not at all a slut, whore, or desperate slag.

Aaron! NUFF!!!!! :O :( Angry

Quote: EllieJP @ November 8, 2007, 3:31 PM

Aaron! NUFF!!!!! :O :( Angry

Didn't know you were a memebr of Nymphs Uniting For Fratinising.

Only since you invited me to join Adam!

How is the two minute trial going?

It's great - I've seen 3 Nymphs all trying to fratinise with each other...

Quote: ajp29 @ November 8, 2007, 3:28 PM

Oldest job? How did the punter pay for it then smartbum

Payment hasn't necessarily always been made in monies.

Welcome Def.

They're not really all that friendly you know.

Hi Def. Or can I call you Vas?


Quote: EllieJP @ November 8, 2007, 2:32 PM

Wrong site Aaron - you toss bag!

Why Ms Ellie! Or should that be Ms Potty Mouth?

i am frightened of you because of your picture.

Quote: Wildjesusfishkid @ November 9, 2007, 10:09 AM

Hi Def. Or can I call you Vas?

lol, many years ago I did use the name Vas but then I changed my name by deed poll to just Deferenz.


i don't want too sound all copy cat too , but i also forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy living in London. i joined about two weeks ago.I have found a new lease of love of British Sitcoms. Hope 2 talk to you all soon

Quote: Jeremy Quarshie -Halm @ November 9, 2007, 1:19 PM

i don't want too sound all copy cat too , but i also forgot to introduce myself. My name is Jeremy living in London. i joined about two weeks ago.I have found a new lease of love of British Sitcoms. Hope 2 talk to you all soon

Hi Jeremy and welcome.

(Am I allowed to say that as I'm new myself?)


Of course...I actually joined an hour after you! No I'm kidding! But newbies welcome newbies etc. :) All a happy family.

Baumski - I washed my mouth out with soap... naughty me!

Jeremy -hi

'Ello 'ello 'ello Jeremy.

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