British Comedy Guide

What Have You Ever Won? Page 7

I won a years supply of condoms for getting letter of the week in Nuts magazine.

So, you've won the Skit Comp, the Yobi bonus prize and this.

Give someone else a chance Steve, you selfish bastard ... ;)

Laughing out loud

I guess I'm just on a roll.

PS if anyone needs any condoms PM me.

i won a bike in a raffle at work,
but it was held by duracell as we were doing a special offer on their batteries,
the bike had the same colours as a battery and I didnt really fancy riding about promoting duracell! So I gave it to my dad.

I won £450 in a Peterborough United raffle once though I don't remember ever buying a ticket. I think there must've been an admin error.

I've entered a competition to win a cement mixer.

Quote: EllieJP @ July 29 2010, 3:09 PM BST

I've entered a competition to win a cement mixer.

Good luck.

Thanks. I'm excited about it. If I win I'm going to be soooo pleased.

I once won a patio table and chairs set (which was handy as I couldn't afford one at the time). I also won £1000 in a company raffle we used to do about 15 years ago. Was probably a months wage at the time.

Holidays to Disneyland Paris and Devon
Writing comps
Singing comps
Public speaking comps
Washing machine
Other stuff I can't remember at the moment

Holiday to Vegas
Holiday to San Diego
Competition prize money
Photo developing for life

One of those Spinning Pot Noodle forks.

I once won a Mitsubishi fleece.

I won a disco dancing competition on a beach when I was 6 and won a teddy bear. I called it Sandy. I didn't get why that was funny at the time.

I came third in a fire brigade poster competition when I was 13 for designing a fire safety poster. I was the youngest person in the competition, and I won some book vouchers I think.

I won a caravan park karaoke competition when I was 18.. I got a certificate and a magnum of piss.

Quote: Ben @ July 29 2010, 4:18 PM BST

I once won a Mitsubishi fleece.

What kind of name for a motorbike is that?

Quote: Nat Wicks @ July 29 2010, 4:23 PM BST

I won a disco dancing competition on a beach when I was 6 and won a teddy bear.

That reminds me, I won a Michael Jackson dancing contest aged 7 at the annual British Gas xmas party.

Ooh I also won a set of juggling balls dancing to Men In Black when I was 12, at a disco at a Haven holidays resort.

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