Thanks to everyone who's commented so far.
Ben - The characters don't appear yellow on my screen. Might be to do with display settings. I'll probably pinkify (that is SO a word) their skin anyway as I don't want it to look Simpsony (again, I'm certain that's a word).
Gavin - I thought some people wouldn't like the script (well, that's the case for every script, but more so this one) as it's a bit out-there (of course, you might have disliked it for other reasons). Was my kind of thing though (not saying I'm right. If other people didn't like it please let me know). Hopefully next time I make something you'll like the script. I'm happy you liked the look of it.
Timbo - Thank you very much.
One thing that hasn't been commented on yet is the voices, so if anyone has thoughts on those (as well as any other aspect of the cartoon, really) that'd be great. I know the voices in this one sound similar to voices in some of my earlier cartoons. I'll bring other people in to do voices when I'm doing a longer piece.
Best wishes