The Spice of Life is the working title for a sitcom I am working on starring myself as the prickly pompous young upstart Jeremy Spicer who ambitions certainly outweigh his talent.
I'm looking for writers to work with me on a script for the project as I have a crew and location and some material but would like to work some other writers on a script.
In The Spice of Life Jeremy having been on a week long work experience placement at the Beeb is convinced he is the next Jeremy Paxman but his work colleague Giles Dervish thinks otherwise and being there local stations golden boy does his level best to stop Jeremy getting anything but the graveyard slot. Jeremy frustrated by people lack of awareness of his talents takes his frustration out on his unsuspecting audience that comprise solely of inane insomniacs and late-night truck drivers adding up to a somewhat pointless voyage of late-night un-discovery and leaving Jeremy's life empty and devoid of any intellectual stimulus that he so craves.