British Comedy Guide

More JunkMales live!

Because no-one demanded it Laughing out loud , as they slowly trickle onto YouTube, please find another live sketch.

Out of Work Gods

There is a large and appreciative audience for the JunkMales work on BCG Dan, it's amazing isn't it! :)

Sometimes Frank, I find the support over-whelming.

I get A LOT of PM's from BCG'ers telling me that the secretly watch our vids all the time. Especially when in bed and naked!

Aron could verify that I'm telling the truth. (He won't, but he could).

Aron is my new cat btw, he sit's on my shoulder as I type. He loves your stand up and says it's the best thing since I did him a mix of 'Go-Cat complete' and 'Tiger kitten with Chicken in jelly'. And that was damn good, apparently.

Anyway, mate... I am about done on BCG again... (for now...) ...but I am going to stay on in the Skit-Comp thread... so I'll be in there if you want me! Let all my fans know! :P


That's it, I'll sithee... Cool

The combination of the low quality audio and my not very good ears made a lot of this hard for me to hear. Out of the audible bits I liked the short staffed gag the best. :)

The combination of the low quality audio and my not very good ears made a lot of this hard for me to hear.

Ah, one of the lucky ones.

There were definitely some good lines in there, and it was a fun idea.
I wasn't getting the lines very well though, whether that was the aaccents the speed & timing or just the sound quality.

It's very hard to get the full effect of something theatrical on a video though so it's not easy to judge.

It was a case of being too long with not enough laughs for me. I think if you're doing a sketch which is essentially two people sat and chatting then you really need to deliver some hilarious dialogue.

I don't think the false beard was a good idea - didn't look good or funny. If, as you have, very little time for costume changes, then maybe you should concentrate on more simple sketches otherwise they're going to look a bit cheap and halfarsed. Once you get the other Junkmales involved, it should free up some time backstage and then you can put a bit more into the production.
I could hear everything by the way.

Quote: don rushmore @ July 23 2010, 7:48 PM BST

Ah, one of the lucky ones.

Ah yes, I know most people aren't used to hearing people laugh at their sketches, must be quiet unusual to hear ;)

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 23 2010, 8:16 PM BST

There were definitely some good lines in there, and it was a fun idea.
I wasn't getting the lines very well though, whether that was the aaccents the speed & timing or just the sound quality.

It's very hard to get the full effect of something theatrical on a video though so it's not easy to judge.

I agree about the being there aspect, we will let people know when we do the next gigs so they can.

Quote: Ben @ July 23 2010, 9:29 PM BST

It was a case of being too long with not enough laughs for me. I think if you're doing a sketch which is essentially two people sat and chatting then you really need to deliver some hilarious dialogue.

I don't think the false beard was a good idea - didn't look good or funny. If, as you have, very little time for costume changes, then maybe you should concentrate on more simple sketches otherwise they're going to look a bit cheap and halfarsed. Once you get the other Junkmales involved, it should free up some time backstage and then you can put a bit more into the production.
I could hear everything by the way.

Thanks Ben, yu are right, who couldn't do with more laughs and though we got a good few, we will always look for more.

The beard was there to establish continuity between sketchs, and it got cheap laughs everytime it was on, and we are certainly not above cheap laughs, all laughs are very welcome.

As for the live show's, there are no more JunkMales it's me and Dave, but it was our first show and production will always improve (you should hae seen the rehearsals :)).

Thanks for watching.

Who were the original JunkMales?
& who was your Yoko?

Quote: dannyjb1 @ July 23 2010, 11:09 PM BST

As for the live show's, there are no more JunkMales it's me and Dave, but it was our first show and production will always improve (you should hae seen the reherals :)).

Thanks for watching.

Who's the tall guy? Martin is it? The one who played the Elizabethan in the shed?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ July 23 2010, 11:10 PM BST

Who were the original JunkMales?
& who was your Yoko?

Alas there is no Yoko just Martin and Frank don't have the time and money to commit to live sutff, so they are sort of associate members only for the filming of videos.

Though technically there was 5th member Jack Spencer (as seen in the award wining Danger Signs).

Quote: Ben @ July 23 2010, 11:12 PM BST

Who's the tall guy? Martin is it? The one who played the Elizabethan in the shed?

See other comment, me and Dave are the JunkMales Live! the others are associates for the videos(and you will see them in some of the filmed sketches, coming soon).

Just got round to watching this now. Some great lines in that. Nicely done. :)

Nice idea and some clever lines; felt long watching on screen, but doubtless would not have done so live. Not sure the beard helped audibility!

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