British Comedy Guide

Sitcom (Com)Mission Page 83

Coming soon: A full hour of ME wondering where it went wrong!
Come and see me weeping and crying that my own humble sitcom shenanigans aren't appearing on stage anywhere in the country.
The full hour of me bemoaning my lot starts at 19:00 hours on July 10th. Location: My house. Price: A few packs of biscuits.

Seriously though, it's good to see that even though The Sitcom Mission itself is over, some of the sitcoms are carrying on.

Great to see 'The Box' showing again. I thought that was a strong contender. I'll definitely try to come along.

I've now posted a blog entry about the Final on my blog. Thanks for everyone involved in the Sitcom Mission who has commented on my blog (as well as to my face) that they enjoy reading it:

Oh, and I'm tweeting as @TheActorBegins so keep in touch!


Good blog Rhys -- enjoying it!


We're coming to Manchester on July 17th with our Introduction to Sitcom Writing workshop.

Cost is just £30, and places are available.

To find out more just follow this link:

Note: the Manchester workshop will be our last ever workshop at this bargain basement price. The cost of rail travel etc means that our beginners workshop will in future cost £47 instead of £30.

There are still places available for Manchester so if you're thinking of coming along why wait until the price has gone up?!

Our 'What's Wrong With My Script' workshop is on July 31st in London and costs £75.00. This one is aimed at writers who already have a script that they would like to work on. We will provide professional actors to read your script (always a revelation), as well as an mp3 recording of the reading. This is a particularly useful tool; it will show you exactly where the laughs are(n't) something which is easy to forget on the day when nerves can fog the memory.

Where is the workshop in Manchester going to be held on saturday?...I've signed up for it but only says where London one is on "Workshops" page.

Any news on a new season of this or the Sitcom Trials?

Hi Bam

Thanks for your interest.

We're just putting the finishing touches to the plans for The Sitcom Mission 2011 and will be launching in the next couple of weeks. Watch this space, and, if you haven't already, join our Facebook page:

And we're also on Twitter (get us!) here (I think):

You'll be the first to know as soon as we launch.

Cheers, Declan

Awesome, I will.

And now I know I can start working on my entry :D

July 31st is the date for our next London workshop. This one is for writers who already have a script to work on. We provide actors and a quality recording of your script for you to keep made with our wonderful new gizmo.

See our website for details.

We provide ... a quality recording of your script for you to keep, made with our wonderful new gizmo.

Quote: don rushmore @ July 22 2010, 12:30 AM BST


Why we think Rev has warm appeal:

acting is reacting, it's the reactions of actors to a comedy line that get the most laughs and not the line

Declan, I agree with your Rev review. (It doesn't really make me laugh but it's guaranteed to raise a few smiles.) The show has a great deal of conflict - an important factor in sitcom. I'm also enjoying the strong supporting cast...especially the scene-stealing Archdeacon.

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