Die Hard
Thursday 12th August 2010 12:07am
256 posts
Quote: Lee Henman @ July 20 2010, 8:43 AM BST
Cool! Report back when you've seen it, I'm genuinely interested to hear what it's like.
Hi Lee
if you're still online at this late hour
I am 100% in agreement with your friend's assessment. This is the worst thing I have ever seen. Ever. Having just watched the first episode and 2/3s of the 2nd I can honestly say I feel thoroughly violated. It is BAD, not good bad, it is dire.
I'd like to quantify that by saying that I genuinely loved Hyperdrive and didn't mind the Halle Berry remake of Catwoman, so my standards are not impossibly high.
The best thing in it (apart from the effects and half-android's voice - which was cool) was Claudia Christian, and she was terrible. Really, truly terrible. My eyes are still burning.
Danny John Jules was only in it for a split second and I think that was just a one-off as he is listed as a guest star.
The writing (if indeed it was written, rather than just improvised whilst stoned) is beyond dreadful. Poor botched film homages (which made me want to claw off my own skin) are only marginally better than the juvenile nonsense in between. I am so disappointed, the trailer looked fantastic.
I notice it says 'Created and Directed by Andrew Dymond' and wonder if that is because the 'writer' either never existed, or ran off (before he was as brutally murdered as the original concept).
It plays out like the work of a 17 year old virgin, Benny Hill obsessive with learning difficulties, whose only talent lies in CGI and sound effects.
Do not watch this. It is painful.
Hope that helps. I have posted this here, rather than PM you, ...to warn others.