British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 599

The first Who episode he wrote, with Dickens, was pretty good too.

I actually quite liked his Dalek one, too, for all all it's faults, I don't really get the venom spat in its direction. Unless most of it is just about the rubbish looking new Daleks.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 15 2010, 1:02 PM BST

The first Who episode he wrote, with Dickens, was pretty good too.

I actually quite liked his Dalek one, too, for all all it's faults, I don't really get the venom spat in its direction. Unless most of it is just about the rubbish looking new Daleks.

The Dickens ep was okay.

My prob with the Daleks wasn't their look. That was irrelevent. My problem was the wafer thin story line, that appeared to have been written more for Tennant. (He said, recycling a comment from about a million pages back).

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 15 2010, 1:02 PM BST

The first Who episode he wrote, with Dickens, was pretty good too. I actually quite liked his Dalek one, too, for all all it's faults, I don't really get the venom spat in its direction.

Is it really venom? I think when things are written down they look far harsher or judgemental than the writer intended. And if they were to say them in a conversation they'd be far more light hearted and less serious sounding.

Quote: chipolata @ July 15 2010, 1:31 PM BST

Is it really venom? I think when things are written down they look far harsher or judgemental than the writer intended. And if they were to say them in a conversation they'd be far more light hearted and less serious sounding.

By venom I just mean it was heavilly slated. I've seen it come bottom of the pile in a few polls of this years series, which I think is unfair, the Silurian one was much worse.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 15 2010, 1:00 PM BST

Benedict Cumberbum.

Brilliant actor. Absolutely hilarious in "Starter For Ten." And really creepy in "Atonment."

P.S. Has it been said The Moff now has twitter?

Quote: hotzappa11 @ July 15 2010, 2:56 PM BST

Brilliant actor. Absolutely hilarious in "Starter For Ten." And really creepy in "Atonment."

P.S. Has it been said The Moff now has twitter?

Yeah. He's been showing off from set of the Xmas spesh.

I'd probably enjoy the Dalek one more on second viewing.
I thought the set up was great, but as soon as you knew it wasn't going to be a two parter it all seemed a bit rushed through.

They should have made that episode a two parter & given the Silurians a single episode.

Cumerbund was also in the sorely underated Broken News. And that sea thing based on a William Golding novel. Or William Goldman novel. I always get them muddled up.

He starred in a drama/doc thing about Van Gogh recently too, and was very good.

Quote: chipolata @ July 16 2010, 8:48 AM BST

Cumerbund was also in the sorely underated Broken News. And that sea thing based on a William Golding novel. Or William Goldman novel. I always get them muddled up.

I saw him in a coupld of school plays and he was ver good even back then. Actor parents of course.

And he was in that futuristic paranoid conspiracy thing. He's good. Although to quote Fargo, he's also "kinda funny looking".

Quote: chipolata @ July 16 2010, 9:01 AM BST

And he was in that futuristic paranoid conspiracy thing. He's good. Although to quote Fargo, he's also "kinda funny looking".

He does look how you'd expect a young Holmes to look, doesn't he.

We've had a few different spelling here; isn't it Benedict Cumberbatch?


Benedict Cumbersome.

Quote: chipolata @ July 16 2010, 8:48 AM BST

Cumerbund was also in the sorely underated Broken News.

I seem to recall that being pretty bloody awful.

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