You know when you send off your great scripts to all those prodcos and the BBC Writers' Room? On that front page where you put "First Draft" or whatever number (I know I do - it's in the Script Smart template) do you actually say "First Draft" or 2nd or nth? What I mean is, does it look bad if you put 1st (because you haven't bothered to rewrite - you fool!) or does it look worse if you say 10th draft (because you are so rubbish at getting it right - you fool!)?
I appreciate this is an esoteric question and the quality of the script should shine through as the only important factor anyway, but I wonder whether the no. of owned-up-to drafts will put the reader on the back foot before you have started.
Any advice, please?
For the record, the only time I sent stuff off I put "3rd". It came back as "turd".