British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 597

It's got Katherine Jenkins in as well. The opera woman.

It might well end up being great, but as of now it sounds like it's going to be utter crap.

Katherine flipping Jenkins FFS?

She must be able to act I suppose, because she's hardly a Kylie-esque publicity magnet likely to draw in lots of extra Christmas viewers.

She talks like a fake robot when she's being herself, I dread to think how bad her acting could be.

But you're right, they must have cast her for some reason. I will reserve judgement! Slightly!

Quote: zooo @ July 12 2010, 8:29 PM BST

She talks like a fake robot when she's being herself, I dread to think how bad her acting could be.

But you're right, they must have cast her for some reason. I will reserve judgement! Slightly!

Maybe she'll just trill a smashing tune.

Hope so.

Quote: zooo @ July 12 2010, 8:29 PM BST

She talks like a fake robot when she's being herself, I dread to think how bad her acting could be.

Maybe they've cast her as a fake robot... Whistling nnocently


Quote: zooo @ July 12 2010, 8:29 PM BST

But you're right, they must have cast her for some reason. I will reserve judgement! Slightly!

Oooh where is it filmed, ooh what nationality is she, oooh she's the new Shirley Bassey ish. Oooh. Ok.. I'll stop now - should have got Ceryss in or however her name is spelled. :) Doctor Oooh there's lovely. Isn't it bach.


Quote: zooo @ July 12 2010, 8:29 PM BST

She talks like a fake robot when she's being herself, I dread to think how bad her acting could be.

But you're right, they must have cast her for some reason. I will reserve judgement! Slightly!

Maybe she will play as a fake robot ??

Quote: Gagsy @ July 12 2010, 8:36 PM BST

Maybe they've cast her as a fake robot... Whistling nnocently

Rats you said it first... Angry

Quote: billwill @ July 12 2010, 10:08 PM BST

Rats you said it first... Angry


Any one played the games? It's some how intrinsically BBC; that they promo it on prime TV, spend months developing it, it features the voice of the cast.

And it's a low grade BBC Acron Electron game circa 1990 something.

No really it is.

Sometimes things are familiarly wonderfully crap.

There's a Doctor Who game at the local library called Top Trumps. It didn't look very exciting. What's it about?

Quote: Kenneth @ July 13 2010, 9:55 PM BST

There's a Doctor Who game at the local library called Top Trumps. It didn't look very exciting. What's it about?

In Britain, 'trumping' is what we call farting.

I think that pretty much explains the game.

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