British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 595

Quote: Charley @ July 3 2010, 8:55 PM BST

There has yet to be a doctor that I didnt want to fook!

Laughing out loud You've f**ked one, you've f**ked them all. Welcome back Charley. Wave

Quote: Godot Taxis @ July 5 2010, 1:33 AM BST

You're out of your f**king mind-tank - every one of those stories is solid f**king gold. Brilliant scripts, brilliant sets, top acting, top rubber...

Just look at the brilliantly alien set of zeta minor in Planet of Evil, the design of the Voc Robots, Eldrad, the Morbius Monster, the original sontaran mask... Marcus Scarman stepping out of the time vortex and smokin' the fez fella in Pyramids, Tarran Kapel glammed up like Aladdin Sane addressing a room full of robots, Harrison Chase feeding raw meat to Keeler (not Christine) tied to a bed while he slowly changes into a krynoid, Davros slowly buckling in his chair when the Doctor switches off his life support, Morbius shouting in his tank in the cellar on Karn:"I see nothing, feel nothing. You have locked me into hell for eternity. Trapped like a sponge beneath the sea. Yet even a sponge has more life than I. Can you understand a thousandth of my agony? I, Morbius, who once led the High Council of the Time Lords, reduced to this - to the condition where I envy a vegetable..."

'Ironic choices'? F**k all the way off.

Sorry but they may all have had great moments. But they were also intermidabley long and full of over ripe acting. Morbius might have been a decent 2 parter. But bulked out with the witches, "What's that Dr?" exposition and a monster that even a drug addled Edd Wood would have turned down.

Good dialogue slipped in here and there. But the awful chroma key Mars, with the sub sub Dungeons and Dragons puzzles in Pyramids of Mars, kept it from any sort of greatness.

I suppose it would be fairer to say as a cable viewer I got to view loads of years after broadcast in those omnibuses. Some stuff felt tight and modern, well written, constructed etc. Like Startrek TOS and Doomwatch was so damned good the shitty effects didn't stop it beating The X files easily.

But Dr Who all too often disapointed. Years on and older (but no wiser) all the faults were there. Crappy monsters lumbering about in daylight, lumpen acting, characters that never really grew and awful FX (which other shows avoided by being more sparing.)

Sorry but for me New Who was a breath of fresh air. No more intermidable Time Lords in sub Blue Peter Costumes, no more UNIT looking like a budget strapped territorial accountants unt and certanly no more hurrah we got budget cuts lets shoot cheaply and get pissed in Provence.

Ultimately 80s Who's nearest comparison was Hitchhikers Guide to the Gallaxy. And I enjoyed that so much more.

Quote: chipolata @ July 4 2010, 10:51 PM BST

Don't worry, we tend to make the same points every couple of weeks.

I thought the old points were far better than these new ones.

Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2010, 6:24 AM BST

Sorry but they may all have had great moments. But they were also intermidabley long and full of over ripe acting. Morbius might have been a decent 2 parter. But bulked out with the witches, "What's that Dr?" exposition and a monster that even a drug addled Edd Wood would have turned down.

Good dialogue slipped in here and there. But the awful chroma key Mars, with the sub sub Dungeons and Dragons puzzles in Pyramids of Mars, kept it from any sort of greatness.

You're dead right on Morbius, some lovely bits, but not the classic I was expecting.

Pyramids on the other hand, is solid gold.

Have to agree withj SootyJ about the Crappy puzzles in Pyramids of Mars though.

It's finished! Soon be time to bump the Primeval and Sarah Jane Adventures threads up.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 5 2010, 1:26 PM BST

It's finished! Soon be time to bump the Primeval and Sarah Jane Adventures threads up.

Ah yes... The Sarah Jane adventures... featuring a RTD script with Matt Smiths Doctor (and returning Pertwee companion Jo Grant) Should be interesting to see how RTD writes for Matt Smith...

Quote: Gagsy @ July 5 2010, 1:35 PM BST

Ah yes... The Sarah Jane adventures... featuring a RTD script with Matt Smiths Doctor (and returning Pertwee companion Jo Grant) Should be interesting to see how RTD writes for Matt Smith...

Probably exactly the same as he'd write for Tennant only with stage directions such as 'The Doctor wiggles his fingers. Mysteriously'.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 5 2010, 1:37 PM BST

Probably exactly the same as he'd write for Tennant only with stage directions such as 'The Doctor wiggles his fingers. Mysteriously'.

Quite. Hopefully Katy Manning's husband will be given a cameo.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 5 2010, 1:37 PM BST

Probably exactly the same as he'd write for Tennant only with stage directions such as 'The Doctor wiggles his fingers. Mysteriously'.

He would probably have to run everything past Moffat now though...

Quote: Kenneth @ July 5 2010, 1:38 PM BST

Quite. Hopefully Katy Manning's husband will be given a cameo.

Remind me who that is. I saw Katy M. do her Bette Davis show last year (and very good it was). He was mentioned in the notes but I forget his name.

Quote: Gagsy @ July 5 2010, 1:39 PM BST

He would probably have to run everything past Moffat now though...

I can't imagine the Moff tearing up an RTD script too much. They're both good writers, but both have tendancies towards excess and cop-outery.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ July 5 2010, 1:45 PM BST

Remind me who that is. I saw Katy M. do her Bette Davis show last year (and very good it was). He was mentioned in the notes but I forget his name.

His name is Bazza. He's the one on the right.


Barry Crocker. That's the chap.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ July 5 2010, 9:03 AM BST

You're dead right on Morbius, some lovely bits, but not the classic I was expecting.

Pyramids on the other hand, is solid gold.

It's fun in a clunky, nostalgic, hungover on a Sunday morning sort of way.

Quote: sootyj @ July 5 2010, 5:14 PM BST

It's fun in a clunky, nostalgic, hungover on a Sunday morning sort of way.

Nostalgic? I think I was twenty five when I first watched it.

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