British Comedy Guide

Big Brother final season Page 15

Quote: chipolata @ June 22 2010, 10:45 PM BST

I don't like what's been done to Ben, though. It seems cruel.

That was cringeworthy, that whole episode.

It's been a good BB tonight. They've chosen well. Although I do feel sorry for poor hapless Ben.

I haven't watched much of this series at all.
Not so I can act all superior, I just keep forgetting.

I did see a bit of some blond Australian fella though. He seemed like a prize tosser.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ June 24 2010, 11:06 PM BST

I haven't watched much of this series at all. Not so I can act all superior, I just keep forgetting. I did see a bit of some blond Australian fella though. He seemed like a prize tosser.

He is. But he's also terrifyingly dim so it might not be his fault.

Well, he is Australian.

He seemed like Ziggy without the intellect.

One thing I won't miss about BB is the way we have to listen to the housemates munching and slapping their food around their chops. Disgusting.

Poor Sunshine and her crisps. If I was in the house I wouldn't share any of my stuff.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 27 2010, 10:18 PM BST

One thing I won't miss about BB is the way we have to listen to the housemates munching and slapping their food around their chops. Disgusting.

I like it! It lulls me to sleep. YOM-YOM-SLURP-YOM...

It makes me want to tear my ears off.

That Caiomhe (WTF?) and Scabby are right c**ts. And that Nathan.

What's the betting we lose to Germany on penalties again?

They'll be watching the Germany game today. Bet they'll wish they hadn't had one the penalty shoot out then.

The puppets are good.

Zig & Zag! :D

That Oirish girl is actually quite hateful. The bald black girl is quite sexy. And Dave's growing on me now I know the Lord's behind him. Bless.

Quote: chipolata @ June 29 2010, 11:01 PM BST

That Oirish girl is actually quite hateful.

I really dislike her, and actually feel a little sorry for Scabby.

Quote: chipolata @ June 29 2010, 11:01 PM BST

And Dave's growing on me now I know the Lord's behind him. Bless.

I think he'll go though. No one likes religion forced down their throats. Ask any choirboy.

From what I've seen Dave is the most annoying tit in there.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 29 2010, 11:04 PM BST

I think he'll go though. No one likes religion forced down their throats. Ask any choirboy.

:D I think Scab's will go on the basis of past atrocities, although there were moments tonight when she sounded quite sane and sensible. And seemed to see through Irish Girl With Stupid Name.

Quote: chipolata @ June 29 2010, 11:11 PM BST

And seemed to see through Irish Girl With Stupid Name.

I've taken to calling her Calamine as it's easier to remember.

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