British Comedy Guide

I read the news today oh boy! Page 163

Quote: bamalamafizzvaj @ June 25 2010, 5:34 PM BST


Good on the vet!
He should get a knighthood, not bloody Wayne Rooney.

The poor kitty! What a horrible thing to happen. But yay for the happy ending. :)
That vet is a genius.

A great story. Unfortunately it seems that the programme looks at other animals too, so I don't think I'll be watching.

Ahhh you and your pussy's Aaron. How is yours doing these days?

Mine has buggered off to the elderly lady 5 doors down. She enticed him with her fresh fish & boiled chicken. He comes back once a month for some Go cat dried. She has renamed him and evrything. He loves her so. :(

Hey there Charley! :)

Quote: Charley @ June 26 2010, 12:01 PM BST

Ahhh you and your pussy's Aaron. How is yours doing these days?

Mine has buggered off to the elderly lady 5 doors down. She enticed him with her fresh fish & boiled chicken. He comes back once a month for some Go cat dried. She has renamed him and evrything. He loves her so. :(

:O The bitch! Kill her!

(Mine is fine thanks. Don't see him much of late though, as he lives at my parents'.)

Starve the kitty for a week in a darkened cellar. Letting him out for 5minutes a day. When you beat him and show him photos of old ladies, spray lavender essence and play recordings of old ladies talking.

Then release your brainwashed feline assassin.

Excellent! More criminals on the streets! Just what we want from a Tory government.

Quote: chipolata @ June 30 2010, 7:05 PM BST

Excellent! More criminals on the streets! Just what we want from a Tory government.

I quite like this reply !

The way to reduce the prison population is to send more malefactors to jail for longer. Short-term the population will increase; long-term it will go down as more and more potential criminals get the message. If Clarke doesn't understand this then he is in the wrong job.

Quote: Charley @ June 26 2010, 12:01 PM BST

Mine has buggered off to the elderly lady 5 doors down. She enticed him with her fresh fish & boiled chicken. He comes back once a month for some Go cat dried.

And don't you have any sort of aroma to attract him back?

The nutty gunman up North put this on his Facebook page before going and shooting some people:

'Just got out of jail. I've lost everything, my business, my property and to top it all off my lass of six years has gone off with the copper that sent me down. I'm not 21 and I can't rebuild my life. Watch and see what happens.'

They don't tell you how many people clicked "like".

...Is that true?

They quoted half of that on the news last night, yes.

He's also posted: 'Ha, Ha! You can come but you can't catch me!'

So far, he appears to be right.

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