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I read the news today oh boy! Page 160

Quote: sootyj @ June 21 2010, 6:59 PM BST

There are a few exceptions like the US health system (great if you're not ill or you're rich, pretty sucky in most other cases)

Don't get me started about that. I'm not rich, but I have excellent insurance that costs me less than $50 per month. An hour ago our CEO reported that due to the pending "Obamacare" our current provider raised premiums 20% and not a single company was even willing to make a quote for coverage. Thus begins the squeeze on the majority of Americans who have insurance that they are happy with, despite Obama's promise that people who are happy with their insurance would be able to keep it. Our board has already been discussing doing away with our insurance entirely and throwing us on the government teat. One thing is certain: in the near future we will be paying more for less. F**king yay.

In even sadder news, it appears that my friend's husband was on this plane that went down in Africa.

She's the sweetest woman and recently married the former Navy SEAL and French Foreign Legion soldier and they were just beginning their life together. I hope they find everyone alive and well.

Health insurance is alot like car insurance. Great on your first accident, poor on your second, God help you on your 3rd. Except it isn't because you don't have to drive, you do have to live.

A system where governmental changes can make your health provider reject you is inherently bad.

Sorry to hear about your loss, I wish you a long life.

News reports say no survivors. :(

Your poor friend.

Sounds like it was a really small plane. They always scare me to fly in more than the big ones.

Quote: zooo @ June 21 2010, 8:26 PM BST

Your poor friend.

She's only about 25 and was recently married. They'd just bought a house and were going to start a family and now it looks like she's a widow. Sometimes life just sucks.

Sort of puts a lot of things into perspective doesn't it?

I think I'm going to be sick !


There's something kind of sweet about that, but at the same time terribly lower-class and worrying.

Quote: zooo @ May 23 2010, 4:59 PM BST

:O :(

Missing Thundercats writer murdered because he won the lottery?


Mental if true!
But they are assuming a HELL of a lot in that article.

Imagine if the poor shlub who won the ticket is just slow in coming forward. The minute he does he's going to be questioned for murder!


On the other hand though - if you do win the lottery, do not tell a soul!


Good for her for punching him back. What a cock.

Quote: zooo @ June 23 2010, 10:56 PM BST


Good for her for punching him back. What a cock.

F**king hell. Hope she landed a good punch back.

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