British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 565

Loved it! Scary Cyberman head, River Song's ass, etc. But I wanted Zygons, God damnit!

I just remembered a line from the first episode, Smith saying 'I'm most definitely a mad man in a box'. Coincidence, or a lovely little bit put there on purpose by Moffat for when you look back over the series.

Maybe stretching it with this one, but in another Moff ep, the Angels one, the Doctor says that there's one thing you never put in a trap if you have any hope of seeing another day; and lo and behold, in the series finale he's put in a trap.

Perhaps just reading a bit too much into that one though!

It doesn't say much for the competence of the Daleks, Cybermen, Autons et al that they're all regularly beaten by one man. If they'd had any sense they'd have shot him when he was speachifying on the rock.

Quote: chipolata @ June 20 2010, 4:45 PM BST

It doesn't say much for the competence of the Daleks, Cybermen, Autons et al that they're all regularly beaten by one man. If they'd had any sense they'd have shot him when he was speachifying on the rock.

You could say that about almost any series like this. I used to love The X-Files, but the reasons they'd give for not just killing him, that it would make him a martyr and even more people would come after them, was weak at best. If I was the cigarette smoking man, I'd hag blown Mulder's head off and buried him in the desert during the first series!

The Dr is a timelord and at the centre of multiple events. Including the invention of both the Cybermen and the Daleks. Kill him and time would fall apart.

Bit like Sootyj. That's how I got a Sontarran butler.

Quote: sootyj @ June 20 2010, 5:08 PM BST

The Dr is a timelord and at the centre of multiple events. Including the invention of both the Cybermen and the Daleks. Kill him and time would fall apart.

That's technically bollocks! :)

Quote: chipolata @ June 20 2010, 5:22 PM BST

That's technically bollocks! :)

And that's why you're not a Timelord.

I want to see what Sooty said so I think I need to post something?

Ah there we go.
What's all that about? Why do the first posts on a page not show up?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ June 20 2010, 6:58 PM BST

I want to see what Sooty said so I think I need to post something?

Ah there we go.
What's all that about? Why do the first posts on a page not show up?


It's only on this thread, that I've noticed.

Quote: sootyj @ June 20 2010, 6:59 PM BST


Your post didn't show up until I posted something else.
but it showed your name as last poster.

Mescaline and posting don't mix Mystical Star Wizard.

So what/who might have been flying the Tardis (bearing in mind we were told that only The Doctor could fly it)?

Was there a reason why a cyberman had been left to guard the empty Pandorica?

Quote: Nogget @ June 20 2010, 8:25 PM BST

So what/who might have been flying the Tardis (bearing in mind we were told that only The Doctor could fly it)?

Maybe the Doc. Perhaps the whole thing is a convoluted way of trying to end it all.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ June 20 2010, 6:58 PM BST

What's all that about? Why do the first posts on a page not show up?

Unfortunately this thread has been badly affected by wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff...

Quote: Nogget @ June 20 2010, 8:25 PM BST

So what/who might have been flying the Tardis (bearing in mind we were told that only The Doctor could fly it)?

We also know that River can pilot the Tardis, as she was taught by the future Doctor... (although there is no reason why the Daleks would know this)

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