British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 560


I wanted Tom Baker to come out of the box.

Quote: Nogget @ June 19 2010, 7:58 PM BST

I wanted Tom Baker to come out of the box.

That would have been hilarious.

Quote: chipolata @ June 19 2010, 7:57 PM BST

Are you saying Amy's got a cock? Eh?

I'm sure she get's plenty of offers for one.

Quote: Nogget @ June 19 2010, 7:58 PM BST

I wanted Tom Baker to come out of the closet.

Weird and Gay.

Quote: chipolata @ June 19 2010, 7:54 PM BST

I wasn't keen on them bringing Rory back.

Thankfully they haven't as he wasn't real. I loved the Doctor saying this would be the first time he'd seen a miracle. There's obviously going to be some time manipulation occurring next week and a fair few reset buttons, but I don't care, the episode was brilliant.
I was convinced the Doctor was going to be in the box, but the explanation was so wonderfully simple. I actually thought Riversong was going to walk out of it too at one point, when he told her to leave the Tardis just as the "thing" was supposed to leave the Pandorica. I got very excited for a moment.

I thought the "I'm a target" line was worth a big Lol-lol.

(or whatever it was he said when he ran out to distract the Cyber arm)

Yeah, something like 'look at me, I'm a target'. Was quite funny.

I was annoyed by the music a bit again. And the bit where he spoke to all the ships outside on the microphone. So echoey and so much background noise I could hardly make out most of his dialogue.
Bit silly.

This is fabulous especially when compared to the rubbish RTD used to turn out.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 8:06 PM BST

I was annoyed by the music a bit again. And the bit where he spoke to all the ships outside on the microphone. So echoey and so much background noise I could hardly make out most of his dialogue.
Bit silly.

Well, I loved all the noise and incidental music. Where you listening to it on your parents' old telly again? The audio takes no prisoners, and maybe it demands an adequate sound system to appreciate it.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 8:06 PM BST

Yeah, something like 'look at me, I'm a target'. Was quite funny.

I was annoyed by the music a bit again. And the bit where he spoke to all the ships outside on the microphone. So echoey and so much background noise I could hardly make out most of his dialogue.
Bit silly.

I loved that, but I had the subtitles on as I always have to do with Who. The bit after they all leave and the Doctor says "Romans" had me in hysterics, purely because of Matt Smiths delivery, a brilliant comic actor.

I found the music very distracting again.

Quote: sootyj @ June 19 2010, 8:11 PM BST

This is fabulous especially when compared to the rubbish RTD used to turn out.

I was comparing to his output while I watched it. One thing that struck me was how well, and how subtle, the emotional bits were handled. RTD used a giant trowel to lay on the sentiment, Moffat uses a sable brush.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 7:53 PM BST

I know, but try not to let that inevitable shit storm stop you from joining in on the thread. I almost couldn't be bothered to say the bits I enjoyed, as I'll be told I'm a moron in a moment for enjoying it. But f**k that.

Laughing out loud

Quote: Nogget @ June 19 2010, 8:11 PM BST

Well, I loved all the noise and incidental music. Where you listening to it on your parents' old telly again?

Lol, yes!

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