British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 559

Cor luv-a-duck!

So that was a tiny bit fantastic wasn't it? Wow, just wow. Is it just me or does the voice saying "silence will fall" sound like Davros?

Crikey, what a mess! Sure, it was very watchable, but talk about incoherent! Some nice ideas, but it just felt confused and haphazard a lot of the time. And I'm not sure the story really bears too much close scrutiny. I fear that that it'll fall to pieces if you think about it too much.

Godot will be in in a moment to do that thinking for you.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 7:44 PM BST

Godot will be in in a moment to do that thinking for you.

Godot's probably punching his cat to death in fury!


Quote: chipolata @ June 19 2010, 7:43 PM BST

Crikey, what a mess! Sure, it was very watchable, but talk about incoherent! Some nice ideas, but it just felt confused and haphazard a lot of the time. And I'm not sure the story really bears too much close scrutiny. I fear that that it'll fall to pieces if you think about it too much.

Got to agree. It was quite a jumble and the first half hour was distinctly underwhelming. Big disappointment so far, despite the rather nice revelation.

Potential for loads of spoilers for those who want to watch the 2-parter as one but I'll just say the ---- was pants and I don't want to see ------ ever again. But I did like the bit with the -----.

Well I found it entertaining and enjoyed it and can't wait to see the next ep.

*Sits and waits for people to tell me how I can possibly have enhoyed it and found it entertainment*

My favouritest bits: the spider leggy cyber head trying to snap on to Amy's head. And realising that Rory wasn't real, and that the Doctor was the dangerous thing they wanted to put in the box.
I didn't see either of those coming at all.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 7:51 PM BST

My favouritest bits: the spider leggy cyber head trying to snap on to Amy's head.

Yes, that was good. Reminded me of the head in The Thing.

Quote: dannyjb1 @ June 19 2010, 7:51 PM BST

Well I found it entertaining and enjoyed it and can't wait to see the next ep.

*Sits and waits for people to tell me how I can possibly have enhoyed it and found it entertainment*

I know, but try not to let that inevitable shit storm stop you from joining in on the thread. I almost couldn't be bothered to say the bits I enjoyed, as I'll be told I'm a moron in a moment for enjoying it. But f**k that.

Quote: chipolata @ June 19 2010, 7:52 PM BST

Yes, that was good. Reminded me of the head in The Thing.

Yeah, me too! But that was a proper spider, this one was kind of... jellyfish legish.

Quote: zooo @ June 19 2010, 7:51 PM BST

And realising that Rory wasn't real, and that the Doctor was the dangerous thing they wanted to put in the box.
I didn't see either of those coming at all.

I wasn't keen on them bringing Rory back. But the pandorica being a prison was a nice reveal. And the Doctor looked frightened to go in it. Which was good.

I've just realised that sometimes Matt Smith comes over a bit like Roy Cropper off of Corrie.

Laughing out loud

Is Amy Hayley?

Quote: Badge @ June 19 2010, 7:56 PM BST

I've just realised that sometimes Matt Smith comes over a bit like Roy Cropper off of Corrie.

Are you saying Amy's got a cock? Eh?

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