A Man Walks into a Bar is a place for new comedy writers to get their work read by professional actors and commented on by an audience of like minded creative types, including reps from leading production companies. It takes place monthly in an informal setting (a room above a pub just off Great Portland St) conducive to people sharing and talking about their ideas. The audience gets a giggle and the chance to voice their opinion and the writers get some valuable feedback and further inspiration. The usual form is two half hour sitcom scripts, each followed by half an hour's worth of chat. Script. Chat. Script. Chat.
We're looking for scripts for our next event on the 8th of July (a date that doesn't clash with the football). We'll have a rehearsed reading a few days before the event, so entries for consideration must be received by the 1st. Send your scripts to: amanwalksintoabarlondon@gmail.com