British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 547


They had their genitalia waxed off before being allowed to appear in Byker Grove.

I believe Eccleston was originally offered the role of Sylar in Heroes.
Thank God he turned it down. Sylar was one of the best things about that show, especially in the first series.

I only watched the first, but the Sylar they had was perfect in it.

I liked a northern time lord and when he got to shout he was ace. I suspect he knew he wasn't a shouty, run around type of actor. The Dr needs to be eccentric and other worldly. Which neither he nor Tenant was, Matt Smith is and maybe why he's better than either.

Quote: chipolata @ June 15 2010, 4:46 PM BST

I believe Eccleston was originally offered the role of Sylar in Heroes.
Thank God he turned it down. Sylar was one of the best things about that show, especially in the first series.

He was very good as the invisible bloke, though.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 15 2010, 4:50 PM BST

He was very good as the invisible bloke, though.

Yes he was. Claude.

He'd be tip top as a new Blake.

Quote: sootyj @ June 15 2010, 4:50 PM BST

He'd be tip top as a new Blake.

Where has the Blake 7 remake got to?

Wasn't he connected to that Prisoner remake for a bit?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 15 2010, 4:53 PM BST

Wasn't he connected to that Prisoner remake for a bit?

He'd have been better than Jim Catweazel.

Quote: chipolata @ June 15 2010, 4:51 PM BST

Where has the Blake 7 remake got to?

They've already remade it 6 times?

Quote: chipolata @ June 15 2010, 4:46 PM BST

I believe Eccleston was originally offered the role of Sylar in Heroes.
Thank God he turned it down. Sylar was one of the best things about that show, especially in the first series.

Yeah never mind all that post series one bollocks..... Star Trek.... new one was awesome! :)

Quote: Marc P @ June 15 2010, 8:02 PM BST

Yeah never mind all that post series one bollocks..... Star Trek.... new one was awesome! :)

Considering Marc P seems to be one of the BCG's only regularly posting Proper Writers, I have to say that I rarely understand what he's on about on a first read.

Or is it a joke I don't get? I can live with that.

I'm with you Kevin but I was assuming Woodforde's Wherry was involved.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 15 2010, 8:38 PM BST

Considering Marc P seems to be one of the BCG's only regularly posting Proper Writers, I have to say that I rarely understand what he's on about on a first read. Or is it a joke I don't get? I can live with that.

How dare you criticise Marc P! He's the Queen Mother of the BCG!

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