I think that people should employ me to proof-read their work. After all, I am a spelling and grammar perfectionist Nazi.
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I poof read my own stiff and no prblems..
Proof reading pays about £10 per hour gross.
Will you work for that, Aaron?
I offer an under or over the counter service for £7.50 (but it has nothing to do with proof reading he he)
OK boffins why doesn't it work with FCUK?
blolox I wnat it to wrok wtih fcuk!
It does work with FCUK ... that's why they went for it!!!
Then there is the other outfit that went for CNUT, I kid you not..
Quote: losaavedra @ October 31, 2007, 7:01 PMIt does work with FCUK ... that's why they went for it!!!
Doesn't work on me but one of the best Matt cartoons i've seen was about a FCUK guy being fired. The boss says 'Your Fried!'
Quote: Frankie Rage @ October 31, 2007, 10:59 AMProof reading pays about £10 per hour gross.
Will you work for that, Aaron?
More than I'm getting at the moment, unfortunately!
Quote: ajp29 @ October 31, 2007, 5:22 PMOK boffins why doesn't it work with FCUK?
a) The marketing guys have numbed you to any misspelling, as it's new a word of its own merit.
b) The capitalisation makes it stand out far more.
c) The fact that it's on its own probably also makes it stand out.
Or summink or nuffink.
The problem with proof reading is it can be hard to get consistent work.. but if you're living in London on sub a tenner an hour, you have my empathy!!!
Not living central at the moment, for prevcisely that reason!
Quote: Aaron @ November 1, 2007, 11:36 PMNot living central at the moment, for prevcisely that reason!
I know..