British Comedy Guide

Yup! Another blog

Hi, guys

I've got this blog (well fancy that!) and I keep hearing voices too ;)

It's a spoof caravan park, but I think I may have given it a too authentic look, in parts, consequently most visits to the site last for only a few seconds.

If you've got a spare mo, any feedback would be greatly appreciated.


Perhaps it should look more authentic, complete with a bookings page/form.

That's not a bad idea! Kenneth.

Many thanks for taking the time to read and comment.


This blog definitely has something.

I can't quite put my finger on it, but I found myself laughing quite a lot. It's understated, but mental.

Everybody looking at this thread needs to go check it out, if only to come back and tell me I'm wrong.

It's good!
I've only had a quick look so far, but it's definitely funny.

Kevin, Zoo

Just a quick note to thank you for your time.

Re: understated - very correct.

Many thanks once again.


Access to the new Nelson Mandela car park will be via the existing John F Kennedy coin operated security barrier.

On the game, madam? Enjoy a pre-dinner drink at Hunter's lounge and restaurant bar

Had a quick look, you're very talented. :)

That's very kind of you indeed, Don. Yes, I really enjoyed those lines too!

The humour is a bit vague in parts, and you can never really know what works or not.

Thanks for taking the time.


I was looking stuff up on issolated eccentric communities for a sitcom idea. And stumbled across your open blog page and it just fitted in. Very nice, slick, understated comedy and a nice bit of surrealism woven into the every day. Few people do that well.
You do.

Mnay thanks for your encouraging words, Sooty. Oh yes! eccentric isolated communities are a rich vein to tap, for sure. Good luck with the project!

Maybe over time introduce some more characters?

Reminded me of Father Ted.

This is good stuff. And a welcome change from the usual spoof news websites that the internet is groaning under the weight of.

Quote: chipolata @ June 14 2010, 7:34 PM BST

spoof news websites

I'm sick of seeing the bloody things. Why do people still keep creating more and more of them?! Have a little go at being original! If you must parody news stories, think up a new way of doing it.


Had a quick look at this site, it made me laugh, good work!

Good stuff Evertsen.
It's a really nice original idea and your subtle slightly surreal humour works perfectly in this setting.

Gave the site a skim. Really like the deranged gynaecologist clown. :D

You could attempt a sitcom based on your little fictional world, surely?

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