British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 539

Is that impressions show still going? I can very easily imagine Alistair McGowan and Roni Ancona impersonating Matt Smith and Amy Pond.

They'd be quite easy to do, I reckon.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 14 2010, 3:15 PM BST

I am The Sam, and you will obey!!!

No one messes with The Sam

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2010, 3:20 PM BST

Is that impressions show still going? I can very easily imagine Alistair McGowan and Roni Ancona impersonating Matt Smith and Amy Pond.

They'd be quite easy to do, I reckon.

Matt Smith
something something...wait something strange.

Amy pouts and folds her arms

Doctor! Rar rar rar rar

Matt Smith
Why? something random something random

Laughing out loud That's the next series sorted.

Quote: Gavin @ June 14 2010, 3:23 PM BST

Matt Smith
something something...wait something strange.

Amy pouts and folds her arms

Doctor! Rar rar rar rar

Matt Smith
Why? something random something random

All props needed are a ginger wig and a bow tie.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 14 2010, 3:24 PM BST

Laughing out loud That's the next series sorted.

Now I've let slip I'm writing an episode of the next series

Quote: Gavin @ June 14 2010, 3:23 PM BST

Matt Smith
something something...wait something strange.

Amy pouts and folds her arms

Doctor! Rar rar rar rar

Matt Smith
Why? something random something random

That's actually a better script than the recent Dalek episode!

Quote: zooo @ June 14 2010, 3:24 PM BST

All props needed are a ginger wig and a bow tie.

My eyebrows went into a very odd shape when the Girlfriend of 'Smithy Suddenly Shy' said to him of The Doctor - 'you didn't tell me he was gorgeous.'

I know it was for comic effect but not sure it worked in the way as it was intended.

Was 'Smithy Suddenly Shy' in it because of the Welsh connection or was there some other connection? I thought he was very good at the acting thing in this.

Yeah, he was good in it. He's a perfectly good actor, even if you don't like his comedy.

I guess his girlfriend/friend just had odd taste in men.

I don't see why he shouldn't be largely unaware of football, after all, how many Scots can explain cricket?

Quote: Marc P @ June 14 2010, 3:29 PM BST

My eyebrows went into a very odd shape when the Girlfriend of 'Smithy Suddenly Shy' said to him of The Doctor - 'you didn't tell me he was gorgeous.'

I know it was for comic effect but not sure it worked in the way as it was intended.

How d'you mean? You don't agree with her assesmnet? He doesn't float you're dingy?

Quote: Marc P @ June 14 2010, 2:47 PM BST

really know what football is. It is my understanding he has visited this planet before and was even marooned here for some while in the seventies.

I can't see Pertwee's Doctor paying much attention to Football!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 14 2010, 4:01 PM BST

How d'you mean? You don't agree with her assesmnet? He doesn't float you're dingy?

I know dry hair is for squibs but no... too much gel.


Quote: Marc P @ June 14 2010, 4:04 PM BST

I know dry hair is for squibs but no... too much gel. :)

I had my hair cut today. I look like a young Marc P.


Quote: zooo @ June 14 2010, 4:32 PM BST


You first!

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