British Comedy Guide

Top 5 Mitch Benn Songs

What are everyone's favourite Mitch Benn songs? Here are my favourites.

1. The Baby Bear Must DIE! (First Knut song)
3. Andorra (A Decisive Football Victory)
4. The Avante-Grade Political Party
5. Swindon: City of Tomorrow

Also honourable mentions to "This Ain't Your Country Anymore", "Too Much Money", "Rocking Baby" (The AC/DC Song), "Gekko-Man" and "Air Guitar is Wunderbar".

I rank Mitch Benn just below Tim Minchin in hilarity, who are both below Stewart Lee, who is stuck to the heel of some other unfunny f**ker.

I don't like him.

I know the name, but I didn't even know he did songs, let alone have 5 favourites!

He does them on The Now Show etc. I know because I have to skip through them on iPlayer. :D


Bloody hell. This is a bit like asking 'Which are the 5 best Punt and Dennis sketches'.

Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 14 2010, 1:43 PM BST

Bloody hell. This is a bit like asking 'Which are the 5 best Punt and Dennis sketches'.

Laughing out loud Laughing out loud

Should I get someone to shut this thread down now?

Tea Party is my fave one of Mitch Benn's.

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