But will it be on television at any point?
Status report Page 2,355
Quote: Aaron @ June 13 2010, 7:43 PM BSTBut will it be on television at any point?
You never know, that's the endgame plan, but someone at a channel has to like it first, and obviously that's more likely not to happen than to happen. In which case we'll bung it onto the internet and cry ourselves into comas. It hasn't got to the point of showing anyone yet though, coming towards the end, effects and music, nearly a lock, jolly times. It's more than a little sweet to be able to watch and rewatch actors you love saying your lines. Fingers crossed we get to do more.
Surely someone will want it. It's got flipping flapping Kevin Eldon in it for goodness sake.
Quote: zooo @ June 13 2010, 7:57 PM BSTSurely someone will want it. It's got flipping flapping Kevin Eldon in it for goodness sake.
You might think so, but I don't think it's so easy, unfortunately! Even the likes of him, with his track record, appear in things that get axed, or not picked up, etc. Obviously can't hurt to have him in though! Bound to perk a bit of interest before anyone looks at it. In the end, we may just have a very nice DVD to sit on our bookshelves that every channel hates.
Just found out that my best friend's son-in-law impaled himself on an iron fence spike last night. He was standing on a small brick wall that gave way and caused him to fall forward on the fence. The spike pierced his chest just below the ribcage and penetrated 4 inches. He was just released from the hospital with no apparent internal injuries. He's a lucky man.
Oh, I thought it was for TV. So, who came to who then, as in the actors?
Quote: DaButt @ June 13 2010, 8:05 PM BSTJust found out that my best friend's son-in-law impaled himself on an iron fence spike last night. He was standing on a small brick wall that gave way and caused him to fall forward on the fence. The spike pierced his chest just below the ribcage and penetrated 4 inches. He was just released from the hospital with no apparent internal injuries. He's a lucky man.
Quote: Leevil @ June 13 2010, 8:06 PM BSTOh, I thought it was for TV.
That's the aim.
Quote: Leevil @ June 13 2010, 8:06 PM BSTSo, who came to who then, as in the actors?
We said who we wanted and the scripts were sent to their agents, luckilly everyone we wanted liked it and agreed.
The Fence of Doom:

I'm steering clear of that bastard from now on.
Quote: DaButt @ June 13 2010, 8:05 PM BSTJust found out that my best friend's son-in-law impaled himself on an iron fence spike last night. He was standing on a small brick wall that gave way and caused him to fall forward on the fence. The spike pierced his chest just below the ribcage and penetrated 4 inches. He was just released from the hospital with no apparent internal injuries. He's a lucky man.
I remember, as a young boy, getting caught on the spike of a metal fence after climbing it and it tearing through the leg of my shorts. My Mum had to lift me off.
Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 13 2010, 8:09 PM BSTThat's the aim.
We said who we wanted and the scripts were sent to their agents, luckilly everyone we wanted liked it and agreed.
Ah, cool.
Oh gawd, that's disgusting. Poor impaled people.
Does remind me of Alan Partridge though, so it's not all bad.
Mmmm, I have that warm and fuzzy I've-just-ordered-many-books-from-Amazon feeling.
Are some for meeeeeeee?
Most of them are about Chernobyl...
So, no, not this time. *pat*