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Doctor Who... Page 528

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 8:16 PM BST

Rose, then Donna for me.

I liked Rose at the time, but the fact RTD let her overshadow the show after she left ruined the character for me. I didn't really agree with the whole love aspect either, okay as a friend but not in a romantic way. That's why the ending of season 2 worked perfectly for me, as there was an air of ambiguity about it, but the season 4 ending unfortunately changed that.

Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 8:23 PM BST

Hopefully the closing episodes will drag things back up again. I understand Patrick Stewart gets a bashing in Saturday's.

I had heard that Patrick Stewart plays the upstairs tenent, Locutus, and is 'Borgiffying' people in his ever-ready room...

Quote: Gagsy @ June 9 2010, 8:21 PM BST

That's just your opinion though...right? ;)


Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 8:23 PM BST

As for Dr Who, the reason I'm cranky about it is that this series has had three stinkers in a row IMO (something I don't think has happened in the first 3 series) and it's brought it down to the standard of series 4 overall. I had high hopes, and I still think Matt Smith is quite brilliant in the role.

Yes, although I really liked the Van Gogh one, I think the series hasn't lived up to the first five episodes; it's certainly slipped into far more ordinary stories since. There hasn't really been a story I've disliked, it's just that too many since Angels haven't reached the level Moffat set early on, they've slipped into more run of the mill teritory. I can't help but think the final two episodes will be doozies though.

Quote: Mickeza @ June 9 2010, 8:26 PM BST

I liked Rose at the time, but the fact RTD let her overshadow the show after she left ruined the character for me.

She should never have returned after she was apparently cut off forever in the other universe, it cheapens the original ending he gave her story.

Billy Piper as a sparky cheeky assisstant was really good fun. As the superheroine badwold maguffin she was awful. It's amazing to me how many characters were killed by lousy writing.

Quote: sootyj @ June 9 2010, 8:42 PM BST

Billy Piper as a sparky cheeky assisstant was really good fun. As the superheroine badwold maguffin she was awful. It's amazing to me how many characters were killed by lousy writing.

True, but 'Turn Left' is a fantastic episode and her coming back was a major plot in that, so it wasn't all 'lousy'.

Turn Left was great precisely because she wasn't Bad Wolf. It was great because she was a likeable real person in a nightmare world.

It's one of the best episodes of Who ever easily.

The return was part of an indegistably self indulgent load of shite.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 9 2010, 8:40 PM BST

She should never have returned after she was apparently cut off forever in the other universe, it cheapens the original ending he gave her story.

Although I did like the way she popped up in a few of the early episodes.
When she turned around after Donna had given her the keys, and when she was shouting through the screen in one episode, both bits made me go Ooooh!

Whereas in this series a close up of a crack from time to time has seemed a bit meh.

In my opinion, no critique, I mean ... I don't know anymore.

I like the crack it's one of the best characters in Who.

Who plays it?

It's David Tennant's.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ June 9 2010, 8:52 PM BST

Although I did like the way she popped up in a few of the early episodes.
When she turned around after Donna had given her the keys, and when she was shouting through the screen in one episode, both bits made me go Ooooh!

Yeah, there were lots of 'ooh'! bits; in that first ep when she's there at the end it was a real 'wow!' moment; it's just on reflection it feels as though RTD undermined his own writing by ignoring the ending he gave. They were cut off forever, a tragedy, no way back! Until there was a way back, of course! He can't seem to just leave his characters alone in Who.

Cos the sun seems to be shining out of it?

Quote: sootyj @ June 9 2010, 8:56 PM BST

Cos the sun seems to be shining out of it?

Quite possibly.

It's Captain Jacks
because it rhymes.

So when under attack they'll say Jacks Cracks Back.

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 8:56 PM BST

It's David Tennant's.

So the light is the sun shining out... Whistling nnocently

Ahhh bugger... beaten to the punch!

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