British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 527

One might say that critiquing peoples' critiques and/or opinions and analysing said critiques and opinions as to whether they were critiques or opinions might be going a BIT TOO FAR.

"Someone being delighted at being taken to a gallery in Paris is not a mistake, you just don't think it worthy of her being appreciative."

Was the response I went on to make, which I think is reasonable.

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 6:40 PM BST

One might say that critiquing peoples' critiques and/or opinions and analysing said critiques and opinions as to whether they were critiques or opinions might be going a BIT TOO FAR.


Bloody hell, it's getting complicated!

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 9 2010, 6:42 PM BST

"Someone being delighted at being taken to a gallery in Paris is not a mistake, you just don't think it worthy of her being appreciative."

Was the response I went on to make, which I think is reasonable.

I agree.

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 6:40 PM BST

One might say that critiquing peoples' critiques and/or opinions and analysing said critiques and opinions as to whether they were critiques or opinions might be going a BIT TOO FAR.

And your reasoning behind that statement?

Feck orf.

(Unless you're genuinely asking...? In which case, same answer but much more polite.)

Quote: zooo @ June 8 2010, 11:33 PM BST

I think the last three have been pretty different. All young(ish) though. An older one would be good.
It's the companions that need to be different. All. Exactly. The. Same.


Donna was different, probably why she was the best. (In my opinion).

This is all beginning to sound like the Nazis.

I actually managed to forget her!

Yes she was different. Looking back I did enjoy her as companion. At the time I wasn't sure their dynamic completely worked, but the current one isn't really up to all that much so I should have been more appreciative!

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 9 2010, 7:32 PM BST

This is all beginning to sound like the Nazis.

I don't see anyone typing in German Huh?

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 9 2010, 7:32 PM BST

This is all beginning to sound like the Nazis.

Nice try.

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 7:33 PM BST

but the current one isn't really up to all that much

I actually probably like Amy and Donna the most out of the modern companions.

Has there ever been a Nazi sitcom?

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 9 2010, 8:14 PM BST

I actually probably like Amy and Donna the most out of the modern companions.

Rose, then Donna for me.

Quote: zooo @ June 9 2010, 6:40 PM BST

One might say that critiquing peoples' critiques and/or opinions and analysing said critiques and opinions as to whether they were critiques or opinions might be going a BIT TOO FAR.

That's just your opinion though...right? ;)

Donna's the only one I didn't like.

As for Dr Who, the reason I'm cranky about it is that this series has had three stinkers in a row IMO (something I don't think has happened in the first 3 series) and it's brought it down to the standard of series 4 overall. I had high hopes, and I still think Matt Smith is quite brilliant in the role.

Hopefully the closing episodes will drag things back up again. I understand Patrick Stewart gets a bashing in Saturday's.

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