British Comedy Guide

Doctor Who... Page 525

Quote: chipolata @ June 9 2010, 9:30 AM BST

Matthew, you yourself have mocked and derided people on this thread who criticise Doctor Who as nerdy fanboys living in the past.

I don't think I have, I put up one post about how a lot of fanboys would hate the emotional aspect of the latest episode, I was talking about people I know,it wasn't about anyone on this thread.

And nerdy fanboy living in the past could just as well describe me! :D

Quote: chipolata @ June 9 2010, 9:30 AM BST

And you do have quite a patronising way of dealing with people you disagree with.

No more so than anyone else, and if you look at my responses over the last few pages, you'll note how flat and to the point I am, I'm not mocking anyone. In fact I'm being reasonable to a fault, saying it's their opinion and that's okay. Something I've then been mocked about.

It's getting a bit Anti Stott on here isn't it.
In fact the whole threads becoming extremely tiresome.

Why should Dr Who bother to try to make the show good when people who think it's awful still watch it every week without fail.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 9 2010, 9:24 AM BST

I think it's just a 'sense' that the writers of Who can do no wrong in your eyes Matthew, and that you're seeing these episodes through rose tinted specs.

Oh, I know that, yeah.

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ June 9 2010, 9:35 AM BST

Why should Dr Who bother to try to make the show good when people who think it's awful still watch it every week without fail.

It's an unusual show, in that one episode may be sublime, and the next, ridiculous. We watch in hope. However, I won't be watching next week's, because it looks like it might well be Worst Episode Ever.

Quote: Matthew Stott @ June 9 2010, 9:35 AM BST

I don't think I have, I put up one post about how a lot of fanboys would hate the emotional aspect of the latest episode, I was talking about people I know,it wasn't about anyone on this thread. No more so than anyone else, and if you look at my responses over the last few pages, you'll note how flat and to the point I am, I'm not mocking anyone. In fact I'm being reasonable to a fault, saying it's their opinion and that's okay. Something I've then been mocked about.

There's been nothing unduly nasty directed at you in this thread. As for mockery, we ALL get that on these boards. The only people who don't are the bland members who we forget even when we're reading their posts. You should take ribbing as a form of flattery. It proves you've made an impact. NOW QUIT WHINING AND GROW A PAIR!

I haven't mocked you Matthew. If anything I was trying to save you time.

Quote: chipolata @ June 9 2010, 9:41 AM BST



Quote: chipolata @ June 9 2010, 9:41 AM BST

There's been nothing unduly nasty directed at you in this thread. As for mockery, we ALL get that on these boards. The only people who don't are the bland members who we forget even when we're reading their posts. You should take ribbing as a form of flattery. It proves you've made an impact.

Probably all true to some extent, yes, but I got irked by it this morning is all. I think I'm due on my period.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 9 2010, 9:24 AM BST

rose tinted specs.

High Five Black Dog Massive!

:D *high fives*

Quote: Badge @ June 9 2010, 2:05 AM BST

What's his (or anyone else's) opinion on how they got rid of the body of that dead big blind invisible creature? I'd hate to think of people going to church and bumping into it all the time as it decomposes.

I expect Vincent ate it, after all he did not have much money for food.

Anybody know who's writing this week's episode and who's in it?

I'd like to get my opinion prepared before it airs.

Quote: billwill @ June 9 2010, 11:37 AM BST

I expect Vincent ate it, after all he did not have much money for food.


I imagine they would have buried it.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ June 9 2010, 11:44 AM BST

Anybody know who's writing this week's episode and who's in it?

I'd like to get my opinion prepared before it airs.

Apparently it's co-written by Jethro & Jim Davidson and stars Roy Chubby Brown as the heavily made up alien.

So no cause for concern.

Quote: Nil Putters @ June 9 2010, 12:04 PM BST

Apparently it's co-written by Jethro & Jim Davidson and stars Roy Chubby Brown as the heavily made up alien.

That's a relief - someone told me James Corden was in it.

Quote: Timbo @ June 9 2010, 12:12 PM BST

That's a relief - someone told me James Corden was in it.


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